Saturday, December 17, 2011

Unemployment claims down by 19000

?Initial? unemployment declined 19,000 to 366,000 claims from last week?s 385,000 claims, while seasonally adjusted ?continued? claims increased by 4,000

Today?s jobless claims report showed a notable decline to initial unemployment claims and a slight increase to continued unemployment claims as a slight rising trend was firmly called into question for initial claims.

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'SoldAtTheTop' is not a pessimist by nature but a true skeptic and realist who prefers solid and sustained evidence of fundamental economic recovery to 'Goldilocks,' 'Green Shoots,' 'Mustard Seeds,' and wholesale speculation.

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Seasonally adjusted ?initial? unemployment declined 19,000 to 366,000 claims from last week?s revised 385,000 claims while seasonally adjusted ?continued? claims increased by 4,000 resulting in an ?insured? unemployment rate of 2.9%.

Since the middle of 2008 though, two federal government sponsored ?extended? unemployment benefit programs (the ?extended benefits? and ?EUC 2008? from recent legislation) have been picking up claimants that have fallen off of the traditional unemployment benefits rolls.

Currently there are some 3.64 million people receiving federal ?extended? unemployment benefits.

Taken together with the latest 3.69 million people that are currently counted as receiving traditional continued unemployment benefits, there are 7.33 million people on state and federal unemployment rolls.

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