Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mali couple stoned to death over alleged adultery

By NBC News staff and wire reports

BAMAKO, Mali -- An al-Qaida-linked Islamist militant group in control of northern Mali stoned to death a couple accused of engaging in extramarital affairs, the group's spokesman said.

The couple were publicly executed in the remote town of Aguelhok, near the vast West African nation's northern border with Algeria, on Sunday, a spokesman for the Ansar Dine group told Reuters.

"These two people were married and had extra-conjugal relations. Our men on the ground in Aguelhok applied shariah (Islamic law)," said Sanda Ould Bounama, reached by telephone on Monday.

"They both died right away and even asked for this application. We don't have to answer to anyone over the application of shariah," he said.

Al-Qaida-linked fighters destroy 'end of the world' gate in Timbuktu

A local government official told the AFP news agency that he was on the scene. "The Islamists took the unmarried couple to the center of Aguelhok. The couple was placed in two holes and the Islamists stoned them to death," he said.

"The woman fainted after the first few blows," he said. The man shouted out once and then was silent, he added.

Coup topples 'incompetent regime': Soldiers seize power in Mali

Most people living in northern Mali have long practiced Islam, but frustrations with the strict form of shariah being imposed by Islamists have sparked several protests in recent months.

Ansar Dine and well-armed allies, including al-Qaida splinter group MUJWA, have hijacked a separatist uprising by local Tuareg rebels and now control two-thirds of Mali's desert north, territory that includes the regions of Gao, Kidal and Timbuktu.

NYT: African Afghanistan? Thousands flee Mali as jihadists tighten their grip

Western and African governments are struggling to muster a response to the crisis as politicians in the capital Bamako continue to squabble over how the country should be governed after a March coup removed the country's president.

In the first installment of Rock Center's Hidden Planet series, Richard Engel travels to Mali, on the edge of the Sahara desert, to discover the city of Timbuktu.

NBCNews.com staff contributed to this report from Reuters.

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Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/31/13045617-mali-al-qaida-linked-group-stones-couple-to-death-over-alleged-adultery?lite

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Congressional negotiators reach deal on new Iran sanctions

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers moved a step closer to finalizing new sanctions aimed at further restricting Iran's oil revenues after negotiators from the Senate and House of Representatives agreed on a compromise bill on Monday.

The bill includes several new provisions seeking to crack down on those who ship or insure Iranian oil cargoes, or who pay for oil using gold. It also seeks to curtail efforts to evade sanctions by reflagging ships or turning off tracking systems.

It aims as well to stop Iran from repatriating revenues from oil sales, which would further squeeze government funds.

If passed, the sanctions would add further pressure on top of penalties imposed by the United States and European Union earlier this year on countries that fail to slash purchases of Iranian oil - sanctions the West hopes will prevent Tehran from building nuclear weapons.

"The expanded energy sanctions contained in this critical legislation effectively blacklist the Iranian energy sector and anyone doing business with it," Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in a statement.

Iran has maintained its nuclear program is for civilian purposes. Its economy has been damaged by existing sanctions and its oil production has slipped to the lowest level since 1988.

"Unless (Iranian leaders) come clean on their nuclear program, end the suppression of their people, and stop supporting terrorist activities, they will face deepening international isolation and even greater economic and diplomatic pressure," Tim Johnson, Democratic chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, said in a statement.


Senate and House leaders have said they would like to pass the sanctions by the end of the week, when lawmakers are set to leave for an extended recess.

The draft text of the compromise bill was released by the House late on Monday and a Republican aide confirmed members would vote on the floor this week, although the date had not been set.

It was not immediately clear whether a vote would be held in the U.S. Senate, where an earlier version of the bill was held up in May by Republicans who sought tougher measures.

One senior congressional source characterized the bill as "incremental" and said the new measures would not be enough to force Tehran to abandon its nuclear program, or prevent Israel from taking military action.

President Barack Obama would need to sign the bill for the measures to take effect. The White House did not publicly comment on the legislation as it was being developed, and has not yet commented on the compromise bill.

The compromise scaled back proposals to sanction satellite service providers to Iran's government, replacing that with non-binding measures urging companies to stop providing the services until Tehran stops jamming certain satellite signals.

Some groups pushing for stricter measures against Iran have said they are worried the compromise weakens sanctions on companies that help Iranian banks transfer money.

The compromise bill includes more provisions aimed at shippers that transport Iran's oil around the globe, as well as on the National Iranian Oil Company, or NIOC, and National Iranian Tanker Company, or NITC.

(Editing by Peter Cooney)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/key-lawmakers-ink-deal-iran-sanctions-004927420--finance.html

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Stage 1 Breast Cancer Successfully Treated

My surgeon kept saying how young I was (46) and how tiny my tumor was (1 cm) and what a good thing it was that we caught it early. I had just gotten my breast biopsy report, and he could see how scared I felt, so he was being encouraging. My diagnosis was Stage 1 breast cancer, a low-grade, slow-moving tumor that seemed to have stayed all in one place. I didn't feel so young and at that point any tumor felt huge - but the thought of having a very early stage of breast cancer did help me calm down. We discussed a lumpectomy, which was to be followed by 6 weeks of radiation, and 5 years of Tamoxifen. I was thinking, "Cancer in six weeks! Beat that! Let's just get this done!" That was 10 years ago, and I'm still here. Treatments have changed and improved, as have survival rates. Early stage breast cancer can be survived, and the earlier the better!

Once you've been diagnosed with breast cancer, you start learning so much about the world of oncology. New terms get thrown at you - sometimes with explanations, sometimes not - and many decisions await you. Staging of your tumor is just one facet of your comprehensive diagnosis, but it's an important one. The stage of your cancer affects your options for surgery and other treatments. The bottom line on tumor staging is this: the smaller the number, the less rigorous the treatments. That makes it well worth your while to find it early, deal with it promptly, and get the best treatment for your particular case. Often, getting a second opinion is helpful, as different oncologists may suggest different means of treatments, or even a clinical trial. With early stage breast cancer, there may not be a big rush to begin treatments, so weigh your options before you commit to any life-changing plans.

In my case, my lumpectomy revealed a larger tumor with invasive cells in the surgical margins, so back I went for a mastectomy. Breast-conserving surgery didn't work in my case, but I did find a good plastic surgeon who did my reconstruction. I was finally diagnosed with Stage 2 - the tumor was larger than we thought and the invasive cells pushed me into a higher stage. My daydream of having just 6 weeks of cancer did not materialize, and I went on to take almost a full year of surgeries and chemo. That's how much difference there can be between stages of breast cancer. So when I say, "Don't skip your breast self exam!" I really mean it. Catch it early and get it over with, if at all possible.

Sign up for my Free 8-day E-course for Newly Diagnosed.

Source: http://breastcancer.about.com/b/2012/07/30/stage-1.htm

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Friday, July 27, 2012

U.S. presses China on "deteriorating" rights conditions

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is pressing China to address its "deteriorating" rights record, citing cases including the nephew of blind dissident Chen Guangcheng who activists say has been targeted following his famous uncle's departure for New York this year, the State Department said on Wednesday.

Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner, briefing reporters after the annual U.S.-China Human Rights Dialogue in Washington, said the United States saw Beijing moving in the wrong direction on human rights.

"The overall human rights situation in China continues to deteriorate," Posner said.

"Our message to the Chinese government is you've made progress on the economic front, this is the moment to open up the space to allow people to dissent."

The annual U.S.-China human rights meeting has become a fixture on the diplomatic calendar, but has yielded few concrete results.

This year the United States focused on charges that Beijing is restricting freedom of expression and Internet freedom, curbing the rights of religious and ethnic minorities and failing to implement internationally recognized labor rights, Posner said.

"Regular news from China makes clear that the subjects of our discussion are matters of great concern to many millions of ordinary Chinese citizens whose voices are increasingly being heard around the world," he said.

The Chinese raised concerns about aspects of the U.S. human rights record "for example, of discrimination, prison conditions and the like, which we discussed openly," Posner said.

"We have human rights issues in the United States, but we also have a very strong system to respond to them."

Posner said the U.S. side brought up several dozen individual cases including Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo and activists Chen Wei and Chen Xi -- all jailed on political charges -- and lawyers Gao Zhisheng and Ni Yulan, who have been jailed for defending rights cases.


The United States also raised the case of Chen Kegui, whose uncle Chen Guangcheng escaped from house arrest in April and briefly sought refuge in the U.S. embassy before Beijing allowed him to depart for the United States, he said.

Chen Kegui was charged with "intentional homicide" after he fought off local officials who burst into his home on April 27, the day after they discovered his uncle had escaped house arrest. Chen Guangcheng says he fears authorities plan a revenge show trial.

"A number of his lawyers who the family have reached out to have tried to meet with him, tried to represent him actively, and have been denied access," Posner said. "We raised those concerns openly ... we'll continue to raise those concerns."

He said the U.S.-China dialogue this week also included reports of self-immolations by ethnic Tibetans and forced abortions under China's "one-child" policy.

While there are few signs of improvement in China's human rights practices, he said, it is still important for the United States to engage with Beijing and support those within China who are fighting for more protection.

"We take our lead from those within China who are advocating for human rights and who were on the receiving end of improper actions," Posner said. "We're amplifying their voices."

(Editing by Mohammad Zargham)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/u-presses-china-deteriorating-rights-conditions-185441048.html

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Philly monsignor awaits fate in church cover-up

FILE - In this June 22, 2012 file photo, Monsignor William Lynn walks to the Criminal Justice Center before a scheduled verdict reading, in Philadelphia. Lynn, the Roman Catholic monsignor at the center of a landmark case involving the sexual abuse of children by priests, will be sentenced on Tuesday, July 24, 2012. He faces 3-1/2 to seven years in prison for his felony child endangerment conviction. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

FILE - In this June 22, 2012 file photo, Monsignor William Lynn walks to the Criminal Justice Center before a scheduled verdict reading, in Philadelphia. Lynn, the Roman Catholic monsignor at the center of a landmark case involving the sexual abuse of children by priests, will be sentenced on Tuesday, July 24, 2012. He faces 3-1/2 to seven years in prison for his felony child endangerment conviction. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

(AP) ? A Roman Catholic monsignor awaits sentencing Tuesday in a landmark prosecution over his handling of complaints that Philadelphia priests were molesting children.

Monsignor William Lynn faces up to seven years in prison for his felony child endangerment conviction. He was cleared of three related charges at trial.

The 61-year-old Lynn is the first U.S. church official to be branded a felon for covering up abuse claims in the scandal that's rocked the Catholic church for more than a decade. But he may not be the last.

Bishop Robert Finn and the Kansas City diocese face a misdemeanor charge of failing to report suspected child sexual abuse. Both Finn and the diocese have pleaded not guilty, and are set to go on trial next month.

"I believe that what Lynn did was done by just about every diocese," said Terence McKiernan, president of BishopAccountability.org, which tracks priest-abuse cases. "In most cases, I think the vicar general was well informed, and also the bishop."

More than 500 U.S. priests have now been convicted of abuse, according to his organization. But Lynn's three-month trial, he said, shows "just how hard it is to demonstrate collusion."

The jury acquitted Lynn of conspiring with a predator-priest and others to cover up the complaints.

Lynn has been in prison since the June 22 jury verdict, when the trial judge revoked his bail.

Defense lawyers call Lynn a scapegoat for the Philadelphia archdiocese, and plan an immediate appeal. They will also ask, perhaps as early as Tuesday, that he be released while the lengthy appeals process plays out.

They believe the trial was flawed on many levels, starting with the fact Lynn was charged with child endangerment under a law revised in 2007 to include those who supervise the caretakers of children. Yet Lynn had left the archdiocese headquarters in 2004, after serving 12 years as secretary for clergy, and returned to parish work.

Defense lawyers also believe Common Pleas Judge M. Teresa Sarmina, who will sentence Lynn, improperly allowed prosecutors to allow weeks of evidence about priests who were never charged with crimes, to show how complaints were typically handled. The jury heard about alleged abuse that dated back to 1948, and was never proven in court.

Prosecutors are pushing for the maximum seven-year sentence.

"His active, even eager execution of archdiocese policies ? carried out in the face of victims' vivid suffering, and employing constant deceit ? required a more amoral character, a striving to please his bosses no matter how sinister the business," they wrote in a sentencing memo filed Friday. "At any time during those 12 years, he could have had a moment of conscience."

The defense will ask for house arrest, community service, work release or probation.

"The seven-year maximum sentence that the commonwealth advocates would serve no purpose at all ? (it) would merely be cruel and unusual," Lynn's lawyers wrote in their sentencing memo.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-07-24-Priest%20Abuse-Trial/id-723cf3522ded43d396a84e27ff367103

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

News Corp launches Amplify educational unit, with help from AT&T (video)

News Corp launches Amplify educational unit, with help from AT&T

In light of recent scandals, it's hard not to see this as a bit of image rehabilitation, but we'll do our best to take it at face value. News Corp is bringing its 18-month-old educational division to the fore by rebranding it Amplify and teaming up with AT&T to put tablets in the hands of students. The unit will focus on developing products and services tailored for classrooms, ranging from kindergarten through high school. And, at the center of that ecosystem, will be the Amplify Tablet (which, judging from the video below, appears to be a modified Galaxy Tab). Videos, encyclopedia entries, books and even remote tutoring apps will all be just a tap away. The tablets will get their first trial run in the US during the 2012-2013 school year. With the phone hacking scandal behind him, former New York City school chancellor Joel Klein (who headed up News Corp's internal investigation), is free to focus on getting Amplify rolling and into classrooms across the nation. Before you head off, make sure to watch the clip from AT&T after the break.

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Covered Patios and Home Improvement as Investment Strategies ...

In case you are a homeowner, you know how crucial the genuine estate market place has turn into for the monetary well-being and security of you as well as your family. Your home may perhaps properly be your biggest investment, and like any other investment, it needs to be managed and protected. Regrettably, dwelling repairs are usually place off on account of fees or the inability to discover a good contractor. Exactly the same goes for property improvements. The addition of, say, a covered patio may very well be place off when it could add for the value and enjoyment of one?s property.

Don?t fall into the trap of neglecting household repairs and property improvements just because the real estate market is down. If you?re selling, prospective buyers are going to be extra-critical and choose houses which might be well-maintained and cared for. And in downtimes, eye-catching extras like sunrooms, decks, or pergolas are even more essential when purchasers have a massive choice of properties to pick from.

Repainting a home is a wonderful way to improve its appearance and give it what genuine estate agents call ?curb appeal.? Exterior painting isn?t difficult and quite a few property owners do it themselves, nevertheless it could be a large and messy job. A very good contractor can make issues lots easier by suggesting the appropriate paint for your house, showing various combinations of colors and very carefully selected accent colors, preparing the exterior, then do the painting rapidly and competently. Specialist preparation consists of power-washing and may possibly involve repairing wood, Masonite or Hardie plank siding and trim. This will guard against paint blistering, peeling or flaking later.

Windows are yet another location with the household that?s often neglected. Most properties currently have dual pane windows for additional insulation and sound proofing. Regrettably, the seals on older dual pane windows are generally leaky, resulting in condensation and residue amongst the panes. Leaking seals defeat the objective of dual pane windows, and also the glass becomes dull and ugly. Replacement windows speedily repair this dilemma. I held off carrying out mine because I feared it was a large, pricey construction job. Then I learned that windows can normally be replaced without ripping out the frames, and found an excellent contractor who did the perform. In case you feel of replacing windows, also inquire about shatterproof, tinted, tempered and colored glass.

In case you have a covered patio or any other structure that attaches to your home, make certain to have a contractor verify for dry rot, leaks, cracks and also other damage. These factors are commonly uncomplicated to fix, but they are able to really add up to expensive harm unless taken care of. Water leaks, especially, can result in catastrophic harm. Cracks and holes may possibly provide access for pests, so it is improved to often that speedily.

Taking care of one?s residence is fantastic organization and also a very good investment. No matter if it really is building additional curb appeal with shiny new paint or an inviting covered patio should you intend to sell your property, or basically keeping your property in superior condition so that you will not incur needless repair expenses later on, proactive dwelling maintenance tends to make sense. Quite a few homeowners shy away from those tasks due to fees along with the challenge of obtaining a superb, trustworthy contractor. Don?t quit ? they may be around and you will be glad as soon as you come across a superb a single.

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Source: http://kkr-fans-news-blog.com/covered-patios-and-home-improvement-as-investment-strategies/

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polecat news and views: The Democratic Party as the Party of Race

In fact, it?s getting to be outrageously so. The rude treatment of Mitt Romney at the NAACP convention is yet another data point in what has become an all-too-predictable scenario.

Much of the reason for this stems from the extreme dependency of the Democratic Party on race politics. With union membership dwindling, the party would literally disintegrate without the overwhelming support of African Americans and Hispanic Americans. Without at least the perception of racism, the Democratic Party has only marginal support. The party is forced to encourage it for its survival.

A whole network of connections, careers, and lifetyles has evolved from that, many of them largely counter-productive. Indeed, the argument can be made that the Democratic Party has destroyed the lives of minorities in order to save itself. Their programs, from the Great Society onwards, have done nothing substantial to improve minority lives, only to encourage dependency. The proof of this failure we see before us today in the dreadful statistics on black and Hispanic unemployment, far worse than the already horrendous national numbers. The more minorities are ?helped,? the worse their lives become, the less equal we are.

The Democratic Party is then the true racist party, trapped in nostalgia for a time when genuine racism ? Jim Crow, etc. ? stalked the land. They have to assume significant white racism still exists because not to do so threatens the fabric of their being. A Tea Partier has to be a racist so you can dismiss his ideas without having to confront them or even think about them. Mitt Romney is just another rich white man so you don?t have to deal with what he is saying, you don?t have to evaluate whether he has a solution to a mutual problem.

It?s all racist as I understood the word in the sixties ? making assumptions about other people so you don?t have to consider their humanity ? only it?s now in reverse. This isn?t to say that whites undergo severe oppression. They don?t. But the racial climate of our society is increasingly polarized and the survival of the Democratic Party, as presently constituted, is the cause. Everyone?s life suffers as a consequence, with the exception perhaps of those who make a living off race-baiting. That the minorities being exploited suffer most of all is almost a cliche. Unfortunately, it also happens to be true.

Correcting this depressing conundrum will not be easy. It is a long time in the making and is based on numerous mythologies and misconceptions, not to mention deeply entrenched habit. It is also based on vengeance, a vengeance fanned by the liberal media for the preservation of their own power and to validate that same nostalgic self-righteousness. But vengeance is an especially powerful creator of racism (remember Gandhi: an eye for an eye and the world will die). Because whites behaved in an atrociously racist manner toward blacks in the past cannot be allowed as any sort of justification for the reverse. That is a prescription for perpetuated mutual destruction.

And yet that remains the spoken/unspoken predicate of election 2012. Just as America rejoiced in electing Barack Obama in 2008 as the first (part) African American president, we are being asked to reelect him for similar reasons. But it would also be racist, perhaps more so, actually to reelect him for similar reasons. The color of Barack Obama?s skin is and should be irrelevant. And yet, of course, it has not been and continues to be the trump card of the Democratic Party. If Barack Obama were white, he would be one of the least likely candidates for reelection in American history. Instead, despite demonstrated incompetence, he remains in contention, perhaps even the favorite. Under current conditions, however, the reelection of Barack Obama can be seen only as a triumph of racism.


Source: http://donpolson.blogspot.com/2012/07/the-democratic-party-as-party-of-race.html

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Pet Events In August In The USA , Dog, Cat and other Pet Friendly ...

August is a great time to plan a trip in the US that includes not just your human family, but your pets as well. Summer events are at their peak, with lots of things taking place outdoors, which always makes it easier to bring your dog along to join in the fun.

Of course, there are also events going on in August that cater specifically to pets and their people. Here?s a rundown of some of the pet events in the US in August around which you might just want to plan a vacation.

? With so many pet events across the country, this list can?t be quite comprehensive ? at least not without your help. Is your pet event, or one in your area, missing from our list? Please help us update this list to keep it current by leaving the information in a comment below!

There are a lot of great family activities this August happening across the states. If you aren?t near any of the cities listed, check with your local humane society to see what events are happening near you. This information was correct when it was published ? please check with the local event organizers for the most up-to-date schedule, location, and admission information.

San Antonio Pet Expo

When: August 2, 2012 10am to 6pm
Where: Freeman Coliseum Expo Hall
Admission: Free, Parking is $5
More information: San Antonio Pet Expo
>> Look for Hotels in San Antonio

Shop, Learn, Play, and Adopt! The San Antonio Pet Expo is a huge event with over 80 pet loving exhibitors, vendors, and rescue groups under one roof. Bring your dog, bird, cat, lizard, hamster, or rabbit as long as you also have proof of vaccines and your pet is ok with large crowds. Shorty Rossi will be there, who is the star of ?Pit Boss? on Animal Planet. Watch the demonstrations of agility, training, and entertaining tricks. You can enter your dog in the pet costume contest! There will be welfare and rescue groups on hand with wonderful pets who are looking for a forever home. If you have been thinking of adopting another friend or a new friend, definitely check out the adoption booths.

Purrs Thursday

When: August 2, 2012 5pm to 8pm
Where: Tufenkian Artisan Carpets 515 NW 10th Ave, Portland, Or
Admission: Free
More information: Oregon Humane Society
>> Look for Hotels in Portland

A special display at Tufenkian Artisan Carpets featuring feline artists is sure to grab your attention. This is your chance to bring some new art into your home, along with the artist who created it. Yes, the paintings are by cats at the Oregon Humane Society who are looking for a new forever home. The cats and the art are all available for you. Complimentary wine and other refreshments will be served and all the proceeds will benefit the Oregon Humane Society.

Ruff! Life Benefit Wine Tasting

When: August 3, 2012 6pm-9pm
Where: Norris Penrose Event Center, Colorado Springs, CO
Admission: $50 in advance ($55 at the door) ? must be 21 to attend
More information: National Mill Dog Rescue
>> Look for Hotels in Colorado Springs

The Ruff! Life Wine Tasting is a benefit for National Mill Dog Rescue, and includes not only wine and hors d?oeuvres but also live music, silent and live auctions, and even a rescue ?meet and greet.? This isn?t an event where you can bring your dog, but it?s certainly one that dog lovers can appreciate supporting.

Bow Wow Bash

When: August 4, 2012 10am-2pm
Where: Garden Home Recreation Center, Portland, OR
Admission: Free
More information: Bow Wow Bash
>> Look for Hotels in Portland

The annual Bow Wow Bash is a family-friendly event ? including the furry members of the family ? and great for all ages. Activities include the ?Doggie Olympics,? a fashion show for dogs, and a demonstration by the Beaverton Police K-9 unit.

Mountain Dog Canine Carnival

When: August 4-5, 2012
Where: Eagle County Fairgrounds, Eagle, CO
Admission: $5 per person
More information: Mountain Dog Canine Carnival
>> Look for Hotels in Eagle

This is the inaugural Mountain Dog Canine Carnival event, and it features all kinds of dog contests ? including agility, sheep herding, and even a talent/costume contest. Print the flyer on the event?s home page to get a free gift when you arrive, and there are more giveaways available for early arrivals at the event.

North Shore Pet Fair

When: August 5, 2012 fair from 10am to 2pm, dog show at 2pm
Where: Salem Common, Boston, MA
Admission: Free
More information: North Shore Pet Fair
>> Look for Hotels in Boston

The North Shore Pet Fair is a combination dog show and exhibition ground for vendors of pet products. You can enter your dog in a variety of competitions, or simply browse the tents of pet products, services, activities, and demonstrations. The Pet Fair runs from 10am until 2pm, and the dog show begins at 2pm.

Wishbone Pet Care Anniversary and Mobile Adoption Event

When: August 11, 2012
Where: Wishbone Pet Care, 4755 Highway 6 South, Missouri City, TX
Admission: Free
More information: Wishbone Pet Care
>> Look for Hotels near Missouri City

Looking for a new pal? Head to this event where you?ll meet some adorable pets looking for forever homes. There will be a raffle drawing, free doggie ice crier, and give aways. Wishbone is also giving free leashes and collars, and grooming to those who adopt during the event.

Lake Humane Society?s 18th Annual Mutt Strutt

When: August 11, 2012 10am to 2:30pm
Where: Mentor Municipal Center 8500 Civic Center Blvd, Mentor, OH
Admission: Free to all walkers who raise more than $20
More information: Mutt Strutt
>> Look for Hotels in Mentor

Mutt Strutt is the annual fundraiser that the Lake Humane Society hosts to bring together the community and help the animals in their care. The day starts out with registering for a mile long walk with your dog at 9:45am. After everyone has registered, there is a runaway show of adoptable pets in the care of Lake Humane. You might fall in love with one of the many adoptable pets. The walk kicks off at 11am. The rest of the day is full of demonstrations, booths that have great food for you and your pets, toys, and educational literature. There will be an agility course set up too that your pet can try out.

PAWSibilities Rummage Sale

When: August 17-18, 2012 9am to 5pm
Where:Stow-Kent Shopping Plaza 4301 Kent Road, Stow, OH
Admission: Free
More information: PetPalsNow
>> Look for Hotels in Stow

The PAWSibilities Rummage Sale is a great event that raises money for the Humane Society of Greater Akron. Patrons of the shelter and animal lovers have donated used and new household items to be sold. 100% of the proceeds will go to the rescue group. Maybe you could use a new or slightly used blender? It is summer after all and smoothies on a hot day are amazing. You might find one here!

Scrub-A-Mutt Fundraising Dog Wash

When: August 18,2012 11am to 4pm
Where: Strawberry Fields Athletic Complex 6100 152nd St. NE, Marysville, WA
Admission: Donation of $5 for small dogs and $10 for big dogs
More information: Scrub-A-Mutt
>> Look for Hotels in Marysville

It?s summer and that means your dog probably has been getting dirty running around the dog parks, hiking with you, and laying in the grass. Why not give her/him a bath? Join the 5th annual dog wash at Strawberry Fields. 100% of the donations benefits the Snohomish County Pet Rescue Groups. There will be goodie bags for the first 300 dogs that attend. Dog washing and nail trims begin at 11am. You can buy raffle tickets for some of the great prizes that will be given away and also grab some lunch. There will be vendors selling popcorn, ice cream, and more. While your dog is being washed watch the demonstrations that are scheduled: agility demo at 11am and a K9 demo at 2:30pm.

Sushi With Your Poochie

When: August 21, 2012 5pm to 8pm
Where:Loring Kitchen & Bar 1350 Willow Street, Minneapolis, MN
Admission: $15 online and $18 at the door
More information: Lucky Pet Care
>> Look for Hotels in Minneapolis

Hungry? Like sushi? Want to bring your dog out to dinner? Then register and head out on August 21 to Loring Kitchen & Bar with several other pet lovers for an amazing night of food, fun, and conversation. The event is organized by Lucky Pet Care and Sidewalk Dog. The money raised from the event benefit the Minneapolis Animal Care and Control facility.

Woofstock 2012

When: August 26, 2012 9am to 2pm
Where: Johnson Springview Park 5480 5th St, Rocklin, CA
Admission: Free
More information: Woofstock
>> Look for Hotels in Rocklin

Pull out your tie-dye shirt and get ready for this rocking event. The 5th annual Woofstock will be held at Johnson Springview Park benefitting various canine rescue groups in the area. Your dog will have a great day meeting other pups. There will be a pancake breakfast, a 3k walk that you can participate in (starts at $5 to register), contests, demonstrations, and activities. Live bands will play throughout the day. You can hang out and listen or go play frisbee with your dog in the field. Check out the dogs that are available for adoption and don?t forget to watch the ?wiener dog race? at 11am.

Source: http://www.petswelcome.com/articles/pet-events-in-august-in-the-usa.html

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INEC and Nigerian elite formation electoral politics

By John Amoda
IS?HAQ Modibo Kawu summed up in the following the import of the imminent gubernatorial elections in Edo State in his Vanguard Thursday, July 12, 2012 column.

?How the election plays out will give a broad indication of the progress on the route of democracy consolidation as well as the preparation of the political opposition to provide an alternative platform to the PDP in 2015. The baseline is that the Nigerian nation?s ruling class project has become a danger to the survival of the country itself; unfortunately, not even the political opposition can escape culpability for a significant share of the problems dogging our country.

If the electoral process does not implicitly deepen confidence, that it can be used to remove bad government and reward those working in the interest of the people, even the legitimacy of the entire process will be lost. The alternative of violence killing and de-legitimization of Nigeria will spiral out of control. Edo?s election this weekend concerns all of us?.

All of the above judgments are unified by a theory of liberal democratic constitutionalist electrocracy. The theory is not derived from the interests of political parties engaged in vote collection for office holding. The first fact in support of the above assertion is Nigeria?s opposition-less electoral politics. From the era of Nigeria?s colonial parliamentary politics till date, there has always been one nationally dominant party serving as the convener of a government of national unity.

There has not been oppositional politics, where the opposition organises a national consensus on alternative legislative agenda of government business. Oppositional politics as thus defined is intra-governing elite politics and an expression of factional differences within the governing elite.

Elite factional electoral parties competing for majority control of government contest for support of electorates unified on interests that government should serve and are capable of holding government to account. A responsible electorate able to monitor government?s loyalty to its interest and to punish a disloyal government at the polls is what Modibo Kawu has in mind when he writes as follows:

?If the electoral process does not implicitly deepen confidence, that it can be used to remove bad government and reward those working in the interest of the people, then? the legitimacy of the entire process will be lost?.

Nigerian electoral parties are, however, not elite factional electoral parties. Nigerian electoral parties are elite formation parties. Elections they engage in are processes of contestation for proprietary control of government, which in turn is established for proprietary control of society and its economy. Given the purpose of government and its endowed capability, opposition politics is precluded.

The ?political opposition? must in the interlude between elections organise for the takeover of government, a process that threatens ?Government?, for the office and the officeholder are treated as one. Monitoring elections of elite factional politics is thus structurally different from monitoring a ?take-over-of-governments? elections. Factional electoral politics admit of third parties? interest in the conduct of parties.

Proprietary electoral parties structures the electorate into ?Us? and the ?Enemies?, into ?Friends and Foes?. A constitutionally prescribed INEC must, therefore, improvise its mediatory relevance. The headline of Vanguard Thursday July 12, 2012, is corroborative. In red letters Vanguard describes the election:

Edo Guber Battle

-Deployment of 3,500 soldiers splits Reps.

-Edo gets new Police Boss, Area Commanders, DPOs

-IGP, Jega, warns stakeholders as House reconvenes today

The Vanguard story conveys the frenzy of amoral contestations typical of sectarian ideological wars.

?There was chaos in the House of Representatives, yesterday, as rival party members took strong partisan positions over the deployment of troops ahead of the Edo State gubernatorial election. The uproar ensued as the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, Professor Attahiru Jega and the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Abubakar vowed at a stakeholders party at Benin that this weekend?s election would be used as a test run of the pledge to ensure free and fair elections in the country? Jega and Abubakar on the occasion addressed serious concerns raised by the leading candidates, Adams Oshiomhole of the ACN and Charles Airhiavbere of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, over plans to rig the polls.

Among the observations raised by Oshiomhole were that the PDP was mobilizing fake soldiers and policemen and equally distributing fake voter?s cards for the election? At the end of the meeting as the IGP prepared to board a plane back to Abuja, he directed the Commissioner of Police (Operations), Mr. Femi Adenaike to take over as the new Commissioner of Police for Edo State.

All the Area Commanders and Divisional Police Officers, DPOs were also affected. The Police Service Commission, PSC, also yesterday said that it is deploying top officials of the Commission to monitor conduct of policemen during the election.

The Commission has also released telephone numbers through which malfeasances by policemen could be channeled? The Conference of Nigeria Political Parties, CNPP, also warned that any plan to use the security agencies to rig the election would lead to strong reaction from the populace?.

This militaristic security framework of elections is typical and not an exception. It is so because what is at stake is not change of officeholders but something much more- the control; and command of Edo State by an ownership government. Monitoring elections where inclusion and exclusion in elite formation is what is at stake for the next four years is different from monitoring elections where the electorate decide who would be voted for or voted against.

The Edo guber election is not a confidence building event on the effectiveness of elections to remove bad office holders and to reward good officeholders; it is a test of whether governments can be removed by means other than war.

It is evident enough that ?the do or die? electoral politics constitute another security threat to the Nigerian society; but it is not the primary threat.

The primary threat to the Nigerian country formation project is the failure of the Nigerian political elite to realise that the spate of insurgencies in the country is reducing government?s span of ownership control of the Nigerian polity. The Edo guber election may unfortunately not teach this much needed lesson.


Comments are moderated. Please keep them clean and brief.

Source: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2012/07/inec-and-nigerian-elite-formation-electoral-politics/

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Yahoo CEO Mayer's pay package worth more than $59M

FILE- In this Monday, April 19, 2010 file photo, Google vice president of search products and user experience, Marissa Mayer, attends the 2010 Matrix Awards presented by the New York Women in Communications at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York. Yahoo announced Monday, July 16, 2012, that it is hiring longtime Google executive Marissa Mayer to be its next CEO, the fifth in five years as the company struggles to rebound from years of financial malaise and internal turmoil. Mayer, who starts at Yahoo Inc. on Tuesday, was one of Google?s earliest employees and was most recently responsible for its mapping, local and location services. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini)

FILE- In this Monday, April 19, 2010 file photo, Google vice president of search products and user experience, Marissa Mayer, attends the 2010 Matrix Awards presented by the New York Women in Communications at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York. Yahoo announced Monday, July 16, 2012, that it is hiring longtime Google executive Marissa Mayer to be its next CEO, the fifth in five years as the company struggles to rebound from years of financial malaise and internal turmoil. Mayer, who starts at Yahoo Inc. on Tuesday, was one of Google?s earliest employees and was most recently responsible for its mapping, local and location services. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini)

NEW YORK (AP) ? Yahoo is giving its new chief executive Marissa Mayer a compensation package worth more than $59 million over the next several years.

Yahoo Inc. said in a regulatory filing Thursday that Mayer will receive an annual salary of $1 million. She's also eligible for a $2 million bonus, and $12 million in restricted stock and stock options that will vest over the next three years.

Meyer, who is 37 and was lured away from Google Inc., will also receive $30 million in the form of a one-time retention award if she stays at Yahoo for 5 years.

Yahoo says it will also give Mayer restricted stock valued at $14 million to partially compensate her for forfeiting money she would have received at Google. Those payments will be staggered through 2014, with $4 million due this year.

Mayer's salary and maximum bonus this year will be capped at $1.4 million. That's because she went to work at Yahoo Tuesday, with just five-and-half months left in the year.

Google Inc. never disclosed Mayer's compensation during her 13-year career at the Internet search leader.

But Mayer struck it rich when Google went public in 2004. She joined Google in 1999 as its 20th employees and accumulated stock options that yielded a jackpot the company's stock soared from its initial public offering price of $85 to nearly $750.

Nailing down a precise value of Mayer's Yahoo pay package is difficult because so much of the compensation is tied to her ability to lift Yahoo Inc.'s sagging stock. She could pocket a much larger windfall if Yahoo's shares soar during her tenure or make less if the stock remains in a funk.

The estimated value of executive pay packages can also be calculated in dramatically different ways. After factoring in future grants of restricted stock and stock options due Mayer under her employment agreement, Yahoo said her annual compensation will be worth about $20 million annually, or about $100 million during the next five years that the company hopes to retain her as CEO.

The typical CEO of a public company in the U.S. made $9.6 million last year, according to an analysis by The Associated Press using data from Equilar, an executive pay research firm.

Yahoo's previous ? and short-lived ? CEO, Scott Thompson, had a $27 million pay package. Thompson's salary and bonus were the same as Mayer's, but Yahoo dangled more incentives to lure her away from Google to become Yahoo's fifth CEO in five years.

Thompson stepped aside in mid-May amid an uproar over misleading information on his resume. Other Yahoo CEOs stepped aside or were shoved aside after failing to revive the company's revenue growth.

Yahoo is counting on Mayer to bring the same drive, managerial skills and knack for innovation that she displayed while helping Google build some of its most popular products.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-07-19-Yahoo-CEO-Compensation/id-ca7498f9104745828a43ae29ff344116

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Friday, July 20, 2012

U.K. courts order Apple to state Samsung didn't copy iPad

U.K. courts order Apple to state Samsung didn't copy iPad

The U.K. courts -- the same ones which purportedly ruled recently that Samsung's Galaxy Tab didn't copy the iPad because "it wasn't cool enough" -- have now ruled that Apple must publicly alert the British people of that judgement. Bloomberg reports:

As well as Apple?s website, the company must pay for notices in the Financial Times, the Daily Mail, Guardian Mobile magazine, and T3, according to a draft copy of the order provided by Samsung?s lawyers.

Apple, who doesn't even like to refer to competitors unless they're anthropomorphized in TV commercials, shown off as being equal attenuated on websites, or lacking tablet apps but not calcium content in keynotes, is already appealing the July 9 order.

If Apple succeeds on appeal, it will no doubt be onward and upward to the next round of patent litigation. If it fails, it will be interesting to see how Apple will comply with the order. Will it be the barest, blandest, legalese possible? Will it be as passive aggressive as possible? Or could they find a way to turn even an apology into a tactical advantage?

Apple and Samsung have been waging global thermonuclear patent war since Apple went on first-strike offensive in April 2011, saying:

Rather than innovate and develop its own technology and a unique Samsung style for its smart phone products and computer tablets, Samsung chose to copy Apple's technology, user interface and innovative style in these infringing products.

It's been up and down, back and forth since then. Complicating thing further, Apple remains Samsung's single largest manufacturing partner, with Samsung supplying key parts of the technology they're simultaneously accused of copying. Despite ongoing talks between Apple CEO Tim Cook and Samsung CEO Choi Gee-Sung, no resolution has been found, and court cases continue.

We discussed a lot of this in detail on the iMore show last night, including whether similar looking products make technology as a whole more accessible to mainstream users. (When's the last time you saw a refrigerator trade-dress suit?) I also poked more than a little fun at the situation on yesterday's iMore today...

If, ultimately, Apple has to apologize for calling Samsung a copyist on page 3 of some U.K. papers, well that's the price that sometimes has to be paid when playing high stakes patent poker.

Barring success in appeal, any suggestions for Apple on how they should apologize? Head on over to the comments on the YouTube video above and give us your funniest, wittiest, more creative Apple apology and you'll automagically be entered to win a $50 iTunes gift certificate -- because sometimes consumers deserve to be the ones that win.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/2IQn1hD1UD0/story01.htm

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Report: Union Bosses Discussed Kevin Rudd Replacing Julia Gillard as PM

The fate of Julia Gillard as Labor leader was discussed in passing during the Tuesday meeting of union leaders in Melbourne this week, according to a report by Fairfax Media today.

Citing an unidentified power broker within Labor, The National Times said that union leaders from ACTU, AWU, CFMEU and other factional bosses chatted about the likelihood of Kevin Rudd returning soon as Labor's top man and prime minister.

"The idea of Kevin Rudd, or even someone else, taking over as leader was discussed in the context that it might trigger an early election and we would need to work out strategies for our campaign in the event," the Fairfax publication quoted its source as saying.

The report confirmed claims by The Australian Financial Review (AFR) that labour unions could be shifting away from Prime Minister Julia Gillard, whose popularity continue to sag despite claims the Labor-led government that a surge on her poll numbers will be seen shortly after the carbon compensations have been delivered.

However, both ACTU chief Dave Oliver and AWU boss Paul Howes flatly dismissed the AFR report as untrue.

In an interview with ABC, Mr Oliver stressed that the Gillard government has so far embraced policies that were agreeable to labour groups "in regard to jobs and supporting low-income families and protecting working conditions."

"The movement is supportive of Prime Minister Gillard and her government for the work that is being done on the issues that matter to us most," he stressed.

On his part, Mr Howes brushed aside the new rounds of speculations questioning the leadership tenure of Ms Gillard in ALP by taking on to Twitter.

"All unions are united in supporting the PM," he declared.

Also, Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan told reporters today in Cairns that the reports were again untrue.

"Those reports aren't worth the paper they're written on," the treasurer was quoted by the Australian Associated Press (AAP) as saying.

The reports came out as Greg Rudd, brother of the former prime minister, said on Thursday that by February 2013, Ms Gillard will be out of her post and Labor will again court Mr Rudd to lead the party anew come the 2013 election.

The other Rudd himself will run for the Senate as independent, hinting that he would not hinge his political ambition on Labor, which he described as a 'dead meat'.

He clarified too that the former PM would not launch a challenge against Ms Gillard but "he'll definitely take it if they (Labor) ask."

"They'll make the decision over Christmas. And Kevin is the only alternative," he declared.

Part of his statements were in line with the recent pronouncements of Kevin Rudd's wife, Therese Rein, who said earlier this month that her husband has no active plans to return to his old post but may do so for "national good."

To contact the editor, e-mail:

Source: http://africa.ibtimes.com/articles/364642/20120719/report-union-bosses-discussed-kevin-rudd-replacing.htm

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Boot up: Samsung's store, Instagram's first, Google's piracy search challenge and more

Facebook buys Instagram

Cannon train station in the City, London, seen via Instagram. Photograph: Veronika Lukasova/ZUMA Press/Corbis

A quick burst of 7 links (and a video) for you to chew over, as picked by the Technology team

Samsung is opening a store in Canada.

There's something a bit familiar about Samsung's first North American store.

Two years ago today, we tested the first photo upload to an app we called Codename. Three months later, in October 2010, Instagram launched to the public.

We've got more on Instagram coming later today...

Besides privacy, the main legal issue that I guess will be of concern is actually intellectual property. When people are able to over-impose layers to reality beyond the clunky smart-phone camera, there will be quite a lot of potential for copyright infringement. Similarly, there will be new commercial opportunities for content owners, imagine if you could turn our world into World of Warcraft, or superimpose the Wizard and Muggle worlds next to each other. Imagine if you could bring your avatar to the real world and allow anyone with the adequate glasses to see your virtual persona. Who owns that content becomes a truly important commercial question.

Via comments of the article linked below...

In case you missed it.

Google has suffered a setback in its case against the music industry group SNEP. Last week the French Supreme Court ruled that Google can be required to censor the search terms 'Torrent', 'RapidShare' and 'Megaupload' from its Instant and Autocomplete services. The court argued that Google indirectly facilitates copyright infringement by failing to filter these terms. The case is now going to the Appeals Court for a final decision.

SNEP argued that when people put music artists' names into its search box, piracy-related keywords then pop up in the autocomplete. It lost in two lower courts, but won in this one.

Since the change, which Macrumors says developers noticed as of today, comes in close proximity to the hack, it's definitely possible that the two are related, but this identifier won't do anything to prevent the hack as it stands. Apps will have to be updated to check the value, first and foremost, but proactive receipt validation with Apple's servers that checks agains the 'unique_identifier' value is the only way this is going to do anything real from preventing a hack like this from happening again.

That's a lot of apps to update.

The story is about as long as the headline. Swisher is AllThingsD's executive editor; she's had a hotline, it seemed, to Yahoo's board. But now the mole "within management" has been found - which is why the Mayer news had its bombshell impact.

Craig Grannell:

One of the UK's Mac magazines, MacFormat, which I regularly write for, just unleashed its new digital version on the App Store. On the iPad, it uses the same underlying framework as the spiffy Tap! magazine, making for an entertaining and interactive experience. Hurrah! So, inevitably, people are already bitching about it on the App Store. Here are two choice one-star reviews...

"Can pay, won't pay" is the cri de coeur de nos jours.

You can follow Guardian Technology's linkbucket on Pinboard. To suggest a link, either add it below or tag it with @gdntech on the free Delicious service;

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2012/jul/19/technology-links-newsbucket

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Pennsylvania pension woes weigh on credit ratings

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], 'http://yhoo.it/KeQd0p', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], ' http://yhoo.it/KpUoHO', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], 'http://yhoo.it/LqYjAX ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], 'http://yhoo.it/JUSxvi', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], 'http://bit.ly/JnoJYN', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], 'http://bit.ly/KoKiqJ', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], 'http://abcn.ws/KTE5AZ', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], 'http://yhoo.it/JD7nlD', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], 'http://bit.ly/JRPFRO', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], 'http://yhoo.it/GV9zpj', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/white-house-stays-out-of-teen-s-killing-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/cv/ip/ap/default/120411/martinzimmermen.jpg', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/navy-jet-crashes-in-virginia-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/cv/ip/ap/default/120406/jet_ap.jpg', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], 'http://news.yahoo.com/photos/russian-grannies-win-bid-to-sing-at-eurovision-1331223625-slideshow/', 'Click image to see more photos', 'http://l.yimg.com/a/p/us/news/editorial/1/56/156d92f2760dcd3e75bcd649a8b85fcf.jpeg', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', 'http://music.yahoo.com' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/pennsylvania-pension-woes-weigh-credit-ratings-224558291.html

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Aloft Dulles North and W xyz Bar: Local Events This Weekend

If you are still looking for ?weekend plans check out these great local events

going on from Friday July 21st to Sunday July 23rd:

Sounds of Summer Concert Series

BITWC Theatre "The Miss Firecracker Contest"

The Miss Firecracker Contest is a comic volcano of a play erupting from Mississippi, populated by offbeat but vital larger than life characters. Carnelle Scott, "Miss Hot Tamale" is rehearsing furiously for the Miss Firecracker Contest, hoping a victory will salvage her tarnished reputation

Friday & Saturday at 8:00pm, Sunday at 3:00pm

1st Anniversary Celebration of Above Ground Winery

Enjoy Virginia wine in a unique setting. Understand flavors and aromas, and compare wines in a blind tasting. Check the Above Ground Winery website for details. Fee includes samples, pairings, logo glass and gift card valued between $5 and $100

Saturday July 21st, 12:00-4:00pm

For more great local events check out the following link:

Source: http://aloftdullesnorth.blogspot.com/2012/07/local-events-this-weekend.html

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Suggests 'Dark Knight Rises' Villain 'Bane' A Deliberate Romney Reference

Limbaugh Bane Dark Knight Rises Romney

Rush Limbaugh suggested on his program Tuesday that the choice of villain ("Bane") in the upcoming film "The Dark Knight Rises" was a politically motivated reference to Mitt Romney's Bain Capital.

Just a day after opining that President Barack Obama "hates" America, Rush Limbaugh found a new target in the eagerly anticipated "Dark Knight Rises," which he suggested during his program on Tuesday was part of a liberal media conspiracy:

RUSH: Have you heard this new movie, the Batman movie, what is it, The Dark Knight Lights Up or whatever the name is. That's right, Dark Knight Rises. Lights Up, same thing. Do you know the name of the villain in this movie? Bane. The villain in The Dark Knight Rises is named Bane, B-a-n-e. What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran and around which there's now this make-believe controversy? Bain. The movie has been in the works for a long time. The release date's been known, summer 2012 for a long time. Do you think that it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire breathing four eyed whatever it is villain in this movie is named Bane?

It might strike some as odd that Limbaugh would direct his vitriol toward a movie franchise whose wealthy vigilante hero arguably contradicts a number of progressive ideals -- even once using a form warrantless wiretapping to nab a villain. Limbaugh does acknowledge that the Bane character sounds more "like an Occupy Wall Street guy" than the financial engineers one might find at Bain Capital. He also points to a Washington Times Communities post that compares Batman to Mitt Romney. Nonetheless, Limbaugh spends several minutes pivoting between a heated critique of Barack Obama and an equally heated dissection of what he sees as the new Batman film's ulterior political motives.

So, anyway, this evil villain in the new Batman movie is named Bane. And there's now a discussion out there as to whether or not this is purposeful and whether or not it will influence voters. It's gonna have a lot of people. This movie, the audience is gonna be huge. A lot of people are gonna see the movie, and it's a lot of brain-dead people, entertainment, the pop culture crowd, and they're gonna hear Bane in the movie and they're gonna associate Bain. The thought is that when they start paying attention to the campaign later in the year, and Obama and the Democrats keep talking about Bain, Romney and Bain, that these people will think back to the Batman movie, "Oh, yeah, I know who that is." (laughing) There are some people who think it'll work. Others think you're really underestimating the American people to think that will work.

"You may think it's ridiculous," Limbaugh added in summation. "I'm just telling you this is the kind of stuff the Obama team is lining up."

Bane, who first appeared in comic-book form in 1993, was also featured in one previous Batman film, "Batman & Robin." His inclusion in the "The Dark Knight Rises" was announced early in 2011, at which point Mitt Romney was just one of many Republicans vying for his party's nomination.

You can find to the entire Limbaugh segment below (via Mediaite):

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/18/limbaugh-bane-dark-knight-rises_n_1681716.html

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Extra Income Through Internet Affiliate Marketing Online ? Real Bizzy

Internet Affiliate Marketing Business is one good way to earn extra income through internet technology. For all of you who do not know very well what this is all about, it's about making business out of marketing a products or services from a certain business enterprise. To promote this, all you need to do is develop a website that would do so. Competition is tough but reported by users it is makes good business for you. In this world of competition, it's great for a newcomer since you're given the opportunity to benchmark what you're doing to the elite affiliate entrepreneurs. The essential method to generate extra income through internet affiliate marketing is to work hard and become creative in order that you will stick out and produce a great income.Before I tell you how to produce extra income through internet affiliate marketing, let me tell you first of its benefits. This business requires you not to be employed in a company. You'll be your own boss and you are given the possibility to just work at your own time without the problem of being given a fixed schedule. You have the luxury to perform anywhere you want for provided that there's internet connection. Besides that, there are growing possibilities that await you as today's generation is growing more and more dependent on the internet for many sorts of stuff. However, affiliate marketing isn't a bed of flowers. You need to work and find your personal style and appearance in order for you to stick out and stay in ecommerce successfully. It'll not be easy but to tell you, a good revenue has been already gained by many also in the thousands. Through work, you are certain to succeed.So here are the methods to generate additional money through internet affiliate marketing usage, first you need to have exceptional material. It ought to be that folks understand and find your contents reliable. They've to be convinced that everything you are showing them are of benefit to them which brings me to my 2nd idea be very excited and concerned of your readers wants and needs. Know your market well and know which products to market. In affiliate marketing you are generating income by commission foundation but without worrying about quota. You only have to advertise and you've the requisite to choose which goods to advertise. It's normal to have some trial and errors times in this business but take heart because this is how many affiliates do it to succeed. Learning in this company is an continuous process which bursts everyday with so many new trends and new possibilities. Be a clever affiliate now!

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Source: http://realbizzy.com/extra-income-through-internet-affiliate-marketing-online/

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