Sunday, July 1, 2012

Avatar:Bending War

80 years after the events of Legend of Korra. The world has been turned inside out by the Bender versus Non-Bender conflict, its been so tumultuous that many of the major continents and the newly formed Republic Nation has been split into two sectors for each type of people. In this struggle we have the Pro-Benders, who are pretty much all benders in existence or those who are willing to go against the Neo Equalists, and Non-Benders who support them. The Neo-Equalists who rose from the charred remains of Amon's legacy to become the number one driving force against all Benders. The Airbenders who are struggling to survive and are fighting against Republic Nation's expansion for the safety of nature. The Avatar, who has yet to appear. And the Bloods who are just in it for the money, and is being sought after by both sides of the revolution. A war in the future seems completely inevitable, as each side fights valiantly. You could be the very person to dispel this, or engage in an all out war, or maybe you just want to ignore it all? Which side will you choose?I'm always open to accepting new characters

*Particularly people who wish to be leaders of any of the revolution groups*

Here's what's open as far as leaders go.

of course that doesn't mean I don't accept any other role(s) you would like to play.


The Neo-Equalists are led by Amon's grandchildren, and is soon to be headed by his grandchildren, Amon barely survived the explosion his brother Tarlock had trapped them both in, and was quickly taken in by a cruise ship traveling back to Republic City, he rebuild his resistance underground slowly and careful all the while evading Avatar Korra's watch as the tensions between Benders and Non-Benders increased, Finally after nearly 30 years the Neo-Equalists were officially formed with some of the wealthiest corporations in Republic City, after the Bending Revolution was introduced, the Neo-Equalists were reinstated into Republic City society as the official police force rather than the Metalbenders which were once led by Lin Bei Phong. None of the members of the Neo-Equalists are actually benders excluding the two leaders and their sons, who know how to blood bend and take away bending permenately. They are prone to holding executions of several Pro-benders, the only promise keeping the leaders of the Neo-Equalists alive is the fact that they will be forever faithful to those who cannot bend, and if they are caught in traitorous activities they will be executed by officials.

Amon has died from old age, and his injuries, the Neo Equalists are looking from any Trespassers from the Pro-Bending side, and our therefore involved in undercover Activites. The Neo Equalists are on every major continent (Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation) with the Water Tribes being restricted to them. The Neo-Equalists replace the Metalbending Police Force in Republic Nation these days.

!~Please PM me if you want to take these positions~!
    Neo-Equalists Leader #1:Open (Male)
    Neo-Equalists Leader #2:Open (Female)


The Pro-Benders are named in tribute to the Pro-Bending Championship which was terminated due to the No Benidng conflict, the arena was destroyed and riots continued for days on end, ending in a split of Republic City between the Benders and Non-Benders. The Pro benders live in a perpetual state of porverty and crime, with very few living in Middle class, if you could even call it that. In order to enter the other half of Republic City, a bender would need to have their bending taken away in a public demonstration, to remind the others living in the other half of the Neo-Equalists dominion. In general, The Pro Benders side of Republic City is a haven for other Benders who have been persecuted by other continents for their bending, despite being so close to the main enemy.

Most of the Nations are split between the two sides causing many refugees to join the Pro Benders in the Slums.[/CENTER]

!~I am still constructing the leaders for this group, but you may PM me if you want to take any specific position~!


A very small group of Airbenders, most of them related to Avatar Aang himself have build a small temple on the Slums side of Republic City to protect them from the current tension. There are an estimated 40 members of the Temple, who are not all Airbenders.

!~Please PM me if you want to take these positions~!

    Airbenders Leader #1:Open (Any gender)
    Airbenders Leader #2:Open (Any gender)


Non-Benders mostly consist of your average everyday people who choose not to bend, or can't bend at all, many of them are against the Pro-Benders, but not all of them of course, some of them have actually joined the Pro-Bending cause, although memebers of the Neo-Equalists use specialized Chi Blocking, and other Non-Benders use martial arts.

The Bloods

The Bloods is an organization created after one of the leader's sons separated from the Equalists, finding that the conflict of Benders versus Non-Benders should be exploited for wealth, and that instead whichever side they choose to be on, should make the other side pay in Yuang in order to considered a citizen. The entire organization consist of Blood bender and they are affiliated with neither of the sides. Instead they are responsible for many of the murders, and crime that influence both sides of Republic City and certain parts of the World. They are currently being sought after by both sides as a solution to the problem before a full out war occurs.

!~Please PM me if you want to take these positions~!
    Bloods Leader #1:~Reserved~
    Bloods Leader #2: Aisell

Avatar: Bending War

Here's the roleplay in case you want more information.


gaslight justin timberlake michael dyer bachmann bachmann iowa caucus results sickle cell trait

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