Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Miracle Bendy Displays of the Future Are Still Years Away

The frustration with devices like a hypothetical iWatch—or a completely imaginary roll-up tablet (maybe a Vaio or something?)—is that they're made up of parts, and sometimes those parts don't exist quite yet. Or, in the case of Corning's brilliantly flexible Willow glass, they exist, but no one knows quite how to use them yet. More »


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Loved ones salute New Zealand dad killed by shark

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) ? About 150 friends and family of Adam Strange wrote messages to him in the sand and stepped into the water Thursday at a New Zealand beach to say goodbye a day after he was killed by a large shark while training for an endurance swim.

Strange, 46, was an award-winning television and short film director and the father of a 2-year-old girl. He was swimming near popular Muriwai Beach on Wednesday when he was attacked by the shark that was possibly 14 feet (4 meters) long.

Police attempting to save him raced out in inflatable boats and fired gunshots at the enormous predator, which they say rolled away and disappeared. They couldn't confirm if they'd killed it. Police were able to recover Strange's body.

Muriwai and several nearby beaches remained closed for swimming after the fatal attack, one of only about a dozen in New Zealand in the past 180 years.

Friend Adam Stevens said the Thursday beach service was run by indigenous Maori who removed the "tapu" or spiritual restriction at the beach. He said it was a "perfect tribute" to a man who spent much of his time swimming and surfing.

"He was a very robust, big, barrel-chested surfer," Stevens said. "He was basically completely obsessed with the ocean, with paddle boards and body surfing, everything. His garage was like a museum of surf craft."

According to Police Inspector Shawn Rutene, Strange was about 200 meters (650 feet) from the shore when he was attacked by a shark that police estimated was up to four meters (14 feet) long.

Stevens said his friend was planning to swim about 1 ? kilometers (one mile) Wednesday as he tested new goggles and trained for an annual endurance swim from Auckland to Rangitoto Island. The 4.5 kilometer (2.8 mile) swim takes place on Sunday.

"I surfed with him the day before," Stevens said. "He wasn't that pleased with his fitness level but was just getting into the right headspace and finding the motivation to get out there."

Pio Mose, who was fishing at the beach Wednesday, told the New Zealand Herald newspaper he saw Strange struggle against the huge shark. Mose yelled at Strange to swim to the rocks, but it was too late.

"All of a sudden there was blood everywhere," Mose said. "I was shaking, scared, panicked."

About 200 people had been enjoying the beach during the Southern Hemisphere summer at the time of the attack.

Stevens said he's been comforting Strange's wife Meg and their daughter since the accident. He said the girl is too young to understand what has happened but is aware of the emotions.

On his website, Strange says: "When I get a spare 5 minutes, I like to make a fruit smoothy, surf some big waves out on the West Coast, point my skis down a mountain with Meg, haul my mountain bike up and down a few hills, drink some pinot while scratching away at a film script ... If I get a spare 5 minutes ..."

Stevens said his friend, whom he's known about 15 years, was very creative and always positive.

"He lived in the moment brilliantly. It was completely infectious," Stevens said. "He feasted on the details."

Strange won a Crystal Bear award for best short film at the 2009 Berlin Film Festival.

Police did not say what species of shark was involved in the attack. Clinton Duffy, a shark expert with the Department of Conservation, said New Zealand is a hotspot for great white sharks, and other potentially lethal species also inhabit the waters.

Attacks are rare. Duffy estimated that only 12 to 14 people have been killed by sharks in New Zealand since record keeping began in the 1830s.

"There are much lower levels of shark attacks here than in Australia," he said. "It's possibly a function of how many people are in the water" in New Zealand's cooler climate.

He said that during the Southern Hemisphere summer, sharks often come in closer to shore to feed and to give birth, although that doesn't necessarily equate to a greater risk of attack.

"Ninety-nine percent of the time they ignore people," he said. "Sometimes, people get bitten."

Around the world, sharks attacked humans 80 times last year, and seven people were killed, according to the University of Florida's International Shark Attack File. The death toll was lower than it was in 2011 but higher than the average of 4.4 from 2001 to 2010.


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18 cats, 2 birds killed in Connecticut house fire

Eighteen cats and two birds were killed during a Connecticut house fire, but firefighters were able to save eight other pets.?

The blaze broke out just after 1:30 a.m. in the town of Berlin, and the female homeowner, Katherine O'Leary, was able to escape without being injured.

Matt Odishoo, the deputy fire marshal of Berlin, said the fire department brought most of the surviving animals out and revived them, before turning them over to animal control.

The surviving animals include seven cats and one sheep dog named Quigley. They are in the custody of Berlin Animal Control.

"They look healthy. They're traumatized, obviously, but they look healthy. They're good weights," Jan Lund, the animal control officer for Berlin, said.

For more, visit

One cat is missing.

O'Leary is expected to check on her animals on Thursday.

Animal control plans to go over the pet records and make sure the pets are neutered in good health before returning them to O'Leary.

No local ordinance in Berlin limits the number of pets a resident can have, Lund said, and neighbors have not issued any complaints with animal control.

Officials believe that the fire appears to have started in mudroom. It caused?extensive fire and water damage, fire officials said.

The cause is under investigation.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Oxfam slates AB Foods on development impact, praises Nestle

ZURICH (Reuters) - Associated British Foods scored lowest among 10 of the top food and beverage companies assessed for their social and environmental impact on poor countries, development group Oxfam said on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Nestle and Unilever ranked highest for their policies on seven areas assessed by Oxfam as critical to sustainable agriculture: women, small-scale farmers, farm workers, water, land, climate change and transparency.

Oxfam said in the report that Nestle and Unilever had done more to tackle social and environmental risks within their supply chains than companies it ranked less favourably including AB Foods and Kellogg Co.

Big food and beverage companies have come under increasing scrutiny in recent years over their sourcing of raw materials, courting criticism on issues ranging from child labour on cocoa farms to the impact of palm oil plantations on rain forests.

Oxfam said it had launched the "Behind the Brands" campaign to try to assess "ubiquitous" declarations of sustainability made by food and beverage companies as well as a proliferation of corporate social responsibility programmes.

"There are enormous gaps in terms of basic transparency which makes it very difficult to hold these companies to account," Raymond Offenheiser, President of Oxfam America, told a phone conference for journalists.

"The goal is not to criticise these companies for poor performance but encourage a 'race to the top'."

Oxfam ranked Nestle first, Unilever second, Coca-Cola third, PepsiCo fourth, Mars fifth, Danone and Mondelez International joint sixth, Kellogg Co and General Mills join eighth, and AB Foods in 10th place.


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Prevention of fire and carbon monoxide Home - Home Improvement ...

Prevention of fire and carbon monoxide HomeAs the winter weather continues to blanket the country, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) urges consumers to play it safe in order to prevent fires in the home.

According to the USFA, home fires spike in winter. Cooking and home heating are the leading cause of residential building fires during the winter. Fire risk also increased with the use of supplemental heating, such as space heaters.

CPSC estimates that home heating was associated with an average of 33,300 fires and 180 fire deaths per year from 2005 to 2007.

Another serious threat in the winter months carbon monoxide (CO), known as the ?invisible killer? because it is a gas, colorless and odorless toxic. Any fuel burning appliances, including furnaces and fireplaces, a potential source of CO

Since 1999, there has been an increasing trend in unintentional, non-fire CO deaths associated with consumer products ? most of which related to heating systems and portable generators. CPSC staff estimated 184 CO poisoning deaths on average per year from 2005-2007 compared to 122 deaths per year from 1999-2001.

Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are an important line of defense in the home, and they give consumers valuable time to escape. About two-thirds of fire deaths occur in homes without smoke alarms, or in homes where consumers have removed the battery alarm or where the battery dies. More recently, a tragic death in a house where the alarm can be produced differences:

In Citra, Florida, fire killed five children on November 8. Their house did not have smoke alarms.

In Penfield, NY, a man killed 54-year CO poisoning in November. Before his death, reportedly CO alarm goes off and taken home from home.

CPSC and USFA recommends that in addition to having working smoke and CO alarms, consumers should follow the following safety tips to prevent fires and CO poisoning:

Place space heaters on a flat and level floor.

Do not put a space heater carpet or carpet.

Keep space heaters at least three feet from bedding, silk, furniture, and other flammable materials.

Keep space heaters foot traffic.

Keep children and pets away from space heaters.

To avoid risk of fire, never leave a space heater on when you go to sleep or place a space heater close to any sleeping person.

Turn on your heater when you leave the area.

Never use gasoline in a kerosene space heater. Even small amounts of gasoline mixed with kerosene can increase the risk of fire.

There are people in the fireplace flues and chimneys inspected for leakage and blockage from creosote or debris every year.

Open the fireplace damper before lighting the fire and keep it open until the ashes are cool. An open damper may help prevent build up of toxic gases in the house.

Store fireplace ashes a fire-resistant container, and cover the container with a lid. Keep the container outdoors and away from flammable.

Dispose of fireplace ashes carefully, keeping them away from dry leaves, trash or other combustible materials.

Preventing CO Poisoning

Schedule an annual professional inspection of all fuel-burning home heating systems, including furnaces, boilers, fireplaces, wood stoves, water heaters, Chimneys, flues and vents.

NEVER operate a portable gasoline-powered generator in an enclosed space such as a garage, shed, or crawlspace, or in the home.

Keep portable generators as far away from your home and ?your neighbor?s home as possible ? away from open doors, windows or vents that could allow deadly carbon monoxide into the house.

When buying a space heater, ask the salesperson whether the heater is safety-certified. A certified heater has a safety certification mark. These heaters are the most up-to-date safety features. Unvented gas space heater that meets current safety standards will shut off if oxygen levels fall too low.

Do not use portable propane space heaters indoors or in any confined space, unless specifically designed for indoor use. Always follow the manufacturer?s directions for proper use.

Never use a gas or electric stoves heat homes. They are not intended for that purpose and can cause CO or fire hazard.

More information can be found on the Safety Alert CPSC, fire risk reduction for portable electric heaters.


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Egypt balloon crash kills 18, mostly foreign tourists

CAIRO (Reuters) - At least 18 people, most of them Asian and European tourists, were killed when a hot air balloon crashed on Tuesday near the ancient Egyptian town of Luxor following a mid-air gas explosion, officials said.

The balloon came down in farmland a few kilometers (miles) from the Valley of the Kings and pharaonic temples that draw tourists to Luxor. Rescue workers gathered the remains of the dead from the field where the charred remains of the balloon, gas canisters and other pieces of burnt wreckage landed.

One Egyptian was also killed, Health Minister Mohamed Mostafa Hamed told Reuters, listing the others killed as tourists from Japan, China, France, Britain and Hungary. Earlier, officials had said all the dead were tourists.

The pilot survived by jumping from the basket when it was 10-15 meters (yards) from the ground, said Ahmed Aboud, head of an association representing Luxor balloon operators. Two other survivors, both British, were being treated at Luxor hospital, said Mohamed Mustafa, a doctor at Luxor hospital. The fatalities were caused by burns and by the impact, he said.

"We believe a small number of British nationals are involved in an incident in Luxor this morning," Britain's Foreign Office said in an emailed statement. The Japanese embassy in Cairo said it believed four Japanese had been aboard and had sent staff to Luxor to confirm. France's foreign ministry said two French citizens had been killed.

Aboud said the blast had happened in the pipe linking the gas canisters to the burner. He said that it was an accident.

Transport accidents are frequent in Egypt. Dozens of children were killed in November when the bus they were on collided with a train. Accidents affecting foreign tourists are fewer, but are not unusual. Five Germans were killed in December in a bus crash near a Red Sea resort.

Konny Matthews, assistant manager of Luxor's Al Moudira hotel, said she heard an explosion at about 7 a.m. (0500 GMT). "It was a huge bang. It was a frightening bang, even though it was several kilometers away from the hotel," she said by phone. "Some of my employees said that their homes were shaking."

The balloon crashed on the west bank of the Nile river, where many of the major historical sites are located.

U.S. photographer Christopher Michel, who was on board another balloon, told Britain's Sky News television that the balloon was one of eight flying at the time.

"We heard a loud explosion behind us. I looked back and saw lots of smoke. It wasn't immediately clear that it was a balloon," he said.

Hot air ballooning at dawn is popular with tourists, who are a mainstay of the Egyptian economy, although visitor numbers have fallen sharply since a 2011 uprising that toppled veteran President Hosni Mubarak. Two years of political instability have kept away many foreign tourists.

Tourism accounted for more than a 10th of Egypt's gross domestic product before the revolt. In 2010, about 14.7 million visitors came to Egypt, but this slumped to 9.8 million people the next year.

The civil aviation minister said a committee from the ministry was heading to Luxor to investigate the incident, the state news agency reported. The minister along with other officials from the ministry also went to Luxor.

The governor of Luxor ordered an immediate halt to all ballooning, the state-run al-Ahram newspaper reported.

(Additional reporting by Shaimaa Fayed in Cairo, Michael Holden and Estelle Shirbon in London and Vicky Buffery in Paris; Editing by Louise Ireland)


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Pets Deserve Food Stamps Just As Much As the Rest of the Family ...

puppy food bowlHey, ready to disagree with somebody on something? Here's an idea that some people are bound to love and others are bound to hate: Food stamps ... for pets.?Considering the (unfair) criticism human beings on food stamps get, I'm guessing the very thought of such assistance for animals won't go over well with certain people. (Those damn freeloading pets! Get a job, Whiskers!) But personally, I think it's a fabulous idea, one that has the potential to literally change lives for the better -- human, canine, feline, and so on.

And even the most conservative, anti-hand-out types won't be able to complain when they find out where the money is coming from. (Hint: NOT the government.)

Based in New York, the Pet Food Stamps program is donation-based and open to anyone in the United States who meets need and income qualifications. Once accepted, enrollees receive pet food each month from Pet Food Direct for six months; in the past 2 weeks, over 45,000 pets have signed up.

What a relief this must be for those families! Times are tough and for so many, it's hard enough just keeping the humans sitting at the table fed, let alone the hungry dog waiting underneath the table, hoping somebody slips him some chicken on the sly. But the thought of abandoning or even giving away a beloved pet because you can't afford to buy food is just heartbreaking.

Look, I get it if some people are rolling their eyes right now. I wasn't allowed to have animals (not counting goldfish, which I don't) growing up, so it wasn't until the fairly recent arrival of our Pit Bull/Eskimo mix that I truly developed an understanding of what it means to be a pet owner. And honestly, I was surprised to discover that in some ways, it's not all that different from being a parent. Maybe that should've been obvious -- everybody knows puppies poop all over the place and whimper and chew on everything and need shots and stuff -- but, as with parenting, I just wasn't prepared for how much I would love this little thing. (I especially wasn't prepared for how much she would love me!) Maybe, before I had this experience for myself, I wouldn't have understood the need for Pet Food Stamps either.

But there IS a need!

What do you think about the idea of food stamps for pets?


Image via Timothy Joel Wright/Flickr


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fans injured at NASCAR race explore legal options

A spectator, center, is transported from the grandstands by emergency personnel after Kyle Larson's car hit the safety wall and fence along the front stretch on the final lap of the NASCAR Nationwide Series auto race at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla., Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013. Several fans were injured when large chunks of debris flew into the grandstands. (AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack)

A spectator, center, is transported from the grandstands by emergency personnel after Kyle Larson's car hit the safety wall and fence along the front stretch on the final lap of the NASCAR Nationwide Series auto race at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla., Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013. Several fans were injured when large chunks of debris flew into the grandstands. (AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack)

(AP) ? The attorney for three NASCAR fans injured last weekend during a race the day before the Daytona 500 says they are exploring a possible lawsuit, but some experts say they could face tough obstacles in winning damages.

Matt Morgan, the Orlando-based lawyer for the fans, said at a news conference Tuesday than any suit would focus on the safety fence used along the track at Daytona International Speedway. He said he hopes to reach a settlement with NASCAR to avoid a lawsuit.

More than 30 people were injured last Saturday after a horrific wreck in a second-tier NASCAR series race sent chunks of debris, including a heavy tire, into the stands. Morgan declined to provide the identities of his clients, but said two of them were seated directly in front of the crash and sustained injuries ranging from a fractured fibula to abdominal swelling. All have been released from the hospital.

Some experts say there could be grounds for a lawsuit, and that courts have looked past liability waivers written on the backs of sporting event tickets. Others maintain the ticket is a legal contract that could be hard to overcome in court.

"Ultimately, I believe it would be gross negligence," Morgan said. "We all know that when you go to a race you assume a certain amount of risk. But what people don't assume is that a race car will come flying into the stands... That's why they make the fences."

Asked to comment on the fans' retention of a law firm, NASCAR spokesman David Higdon wrote in a statement, "We are unaware of any lawsuits filed."

Daytona International Speedway is owned by International Speedway Corp., a NASCAR sister company. Spokesman Andrew Booth said, "As per company policy, we do not comment on pending litigation."

Donnalynn Darling, a New York-based attorney who has been practicing personal injury law for 30 years, said there is a theory that a spectator who buys tickets to a sporting event assumes the risk of objects coming out of the field of play, such as a foul ball at a baseball game.

But she said there is also a foreseeable risk question that promoters of events also accept.

"Did the sporting event promoter take action to prevent that specific risk?" Darling asked. "In terms of this was put up to prevent people from being hurt. You have people who were not only injured by falling debris, but by the failure of the fence."

Others say such restrictive clauses on the back of tickets are generally disfavored by Florida courts.

"If it's just something written on the back of the ticket and not called to the attention of the person purchasing, there's reason to believe many courts in Florida won't hold that they consented efficiently," said University of Florida emeritus law professor Joseph Little.

Still, Paul Huck, an adjunct professor at the University of Miami School of Law, said contract law could take precedence.

"A ticket to one of these events is like a contract ? and its provisions limiting liability are generally enforceable," he said. "We enter into these types of contracts on a regular basis, and we often don't give it a second thought that we may be limiting or even giving up certain legal rights when we do so."

Darling also said that the fence's manufacturer at Daytona would likely be "very much responsible" because of it being foreseeable that debris could go through a fence that has holes in it.

That seems to be theory that Morgan is adopting. He referenced a 2009 crash at NASCAR's racetrack in Talladega, Ala. in which a car that launched into the catch fence sent debris into the stands and injured several fans.

"At that point in time a group of engineers got together and they said 'It's time for us to manufacture a safer fence,'" Morgan said. "To my knowledge, that was done. But what we have to investigate at this point in time is what was done...If you can ever point to monetary considerations being put ahead of people, then there's a big problem."

Darling predicted that NASCAR would try to settle with the injured fans.

NASCAR "had an obligation to protect the fans that are so loyal, and it is bad from a public relations standpoint," Darling said. "So they're going to do something."


AP Auto Racing writer Jenna Fryer contributed to this report.


Follow Kyle Hightower on Twitter at

Associated Press


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Splitsecnd Turns Any Car Into A Connected Car, Launches Plug-In Crash Detection Device

splitsecnd_logoMany new cars now feature an automatic crash detection system that will call 911 for you whenever you are in a crash that is bad enough for your airbags to inflate. Adding this kind of functionality to an older car is typically very costly, but the Nashville-based startup Splitsecnd just launched an Internet-connected plugin for any car that offers the same kind of functionality and also lets you track your car's location online. The device costs $199 plus a $14.95 monthly service fee and is now available for purchase on Splitsecnd's website. It will ship within the next two weeks. The company hopes to start selling it at brick-and-mortar stores later this year.


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Israel, US successfully test anti-missile system

JERUSALEM (AP) ? Israel's Defense Ministry says a joint exercise with U.S. forces has successfully tested the Arrow anti-missile system for the first time. The system is meant to defend Israel from the threat of an Iranian strike.

The ministry said Monday the test was "a major milestone in the development of the Arrow 3 Weapon System."

The Arrow is produced jointly by Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. and Chicago-based Boeing Co.

It detects an incoming missile and destroys it with a second missile. Iran's Shahab ballistic missile can carry a nuclear warhead and has a range of 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers), putting Israel well within range.

The Arrow is part of Israel's multilayered shield designed to intercept rockets and missiles. Israel sees Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile program as an existential threat.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

ZTE Launches 5.7? 720p Grand Memo Smartphone With Quad-Core CPU And Android 4.1

Screen Shot 2013-02-25 at 1.23.42 PMZTE has just introduced the Grand Memo flagship smartphone at MWC in Barcelona. The Grand Memo has top-shelf specs including a 5.7-inch 720x1280 TFT display, a quad-core Qualcomm 800 processor, a 13-megapixel rear-facing camera and a front-facing camera for video chat. ZTE is marketing this as its phablet experience, as competitors like Huawei, Samsung, and most recently Asus bet big on extra-large screens. Considering how much data and texting overpower our smartphone usage, it seems to be paying off.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Prime suspect sought in Las Vegas shooting, crash

This photo provided by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department shows Ammar Harris in a booking photo from a 2012 arrest in Las Vegas. Police have identified Harris as a suspect in a shooting that sent a Maserati into a taxi that exploded, killing three people on Feb. 21, 2013 in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)

This photo provided by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department shows Ammar Harris in a booking photo from a 2012 arrest in Las Vegas. Police have identified Harris as a suspect in a shooting that sent a Maserati into a taxi that exploded, killing three people on Feb. 21, 2013 in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)

This photo provided by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department shows Ammar Harris in a booking photo from a 2012 arrest in Las Vegas. Police have identified Harris as a suspect in a shooting that sent a Maserati into a taxi that exploded, killing three people on Feb. 21, 2013 in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)

This photo provided by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department shows a black Range Rover SUV in Las Vegas that was found Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013, at an apartment complex east of the Las Vegas Strip. It has been impounded as evidence in connection with a shooting that sent a Maserati into a taxi that exploded, killing three people. Police are looking for 26-year-old Ammar Harris in connection with the shooting. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)

FILE - In this Feb. 21, 2013 file photo, law enforcement personal investigate the scene of a mulit-vehicle accident on Las Vegas Blvd and Flamingo Road Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013. Variously known as an adult playground and Disneyland for grown-ups, Las Vegas has worked to brand itself as a place where tourists can enjoy a sense of edginess with no real danger. But a series of high-profile and seemingly random incidents that have left visitors to the Strip dead or in the hospital is threatening Sin City?s reputation as a padded room of a town where people can cut loose with no fear of consequences. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jeff Scheid) LOCAL TV OUT; LOCAL INTERNET OUT; LAS VEGAS SUN OUT

This undated image provided by Robert S. Beckett shows Kenneth Cherry Jr., also known as rapper Kenny Clutch. The Clark County, Nev., coroner's office identified Cherry as the Maserati driver who died after being peppered with gunfire from someone in a Range Rover SUV, sparking a fiery crash that killed two others, in Las Vegas, Feb. 21, 2013. (AP Photo/Robert S. Beckett)

(AP) ? Police are seeking a 26-year-old man as the prime suspect in last week's pre-dawn shooting and crash on the Las Vegas Strip that killed three people and injured several others

The black SUV used as a getaway car was found Saturday as police named Ammar Harris in connection with the shooting and six-vehicle chain-reaction carnage Thursday on the neon-lit boulevard near the Bellagio, Caesars Palace, Bally's and Flamingo resorts,

An aspiring rapper who was driving a Maserati was shot to death, while two people in a taxi died in the crash.

"His location is unknown," police Capt. Chris Jones said of Harris, who sometimes goes by the name Ammar Asim Faruq Harris. Police say he has been arrested for working as a pimp.

Police released a photo that was taken when Harris was arrested last year on pandering, kidnapping, sexual assault and coercion charges. The disposition of that case was not immediately known.

The photo shows Harris with tattoos on his right cheek and words on his neck above an image that appeared to depict an owl with blackened eyes. Jones warned that Harris should be considered armed and dangerous.

Police had been searching for the black Range Rover, with blackout windows and distinctive black rims, since it was last seen speeding from the shooting. It was located at an apartment complex just a couple of blocks east of the neon-lit boulevard, and was impounded as evidence, Jones said.

The shooting killed Kenneth Wayne Cherry Jr., who was driving the dark gray Maserati that was peppered by gunfire from the SUV. Taxi driver Michael Boldon and passenger Sandra Sutton-Wasmund, of Maple Valley, Wash., died when the Maserati hit their taxi, which exploded in flames.

Boldon, 62, was a family man who moved from Michigan to Las Vegas. Sutton-Wasmund, 48, was a businesswoman and mother of three.

A passenger in the Maserati was wounded in the arm and four people from four other vehicles were treated for non-life-threatening injuries. The Maserati passenger was cooperating with investigators. His name hasn't been made public.

The shocking chain of events had family members and friends in Las Vegas, California, Michigan and Washington trying to grasp the blink-of-an-eye finality of it all.

"My son was a good boy," Kenneth Cherry Sr. told reporters Saturday in a news conference convened by Las Vegas lawyers Vicki Greco and Robert Beckett.

Beckett said they wanted to respond to rumors that the 27-year-old son ? who produced a rap video using the name Kenny Clutch ? was a gangster and a troublemaker. The attorneys had represented his son, and now represent his estate and the family.

"My son was a victim just like the two people in that taxi," Kenneth Cherry Sr. said. "Trouble found him. The people in the taxicab, trouble found them."

Court records show Cherry had no criminal cases or convictions in Las Vegas, and police said there was no record of arrests.

The Clark County coroner determined that Kenny Cherry died of at least one gunshot to the chest. Boldon and Sutton-Wasmund died of injuries in the crash. All three deaths were ruled homicides.

Police say the shooting appeared to stem from an argument at the valet area of the upscale Aria resort-casino about a block south of the crash scene. The shooting happened after a night featuring Morocco-born rapper French Montana at Aria nightclub Haze.

Cherry's parents live in Emeryville, Calif., and the father said his son's body would be taken back to Oakland. He said his son started a music career there and was recognized by other rappers within a West Coast hip-hop strain called hyphy.

Cherry wasn't well-known in wider music circles, according to Chuck Creekmur, CEO of

Kenny Clutch's YouTube music video, "Stay Schemin," shows scenes of hotels along the Strip as he sings about paying $120,000 for his Maserati.

"One mistake change lives all in one night," he raps in one verse.

Kenneth Cherry Sr., who said he runs a cellphone business, said he helped his son make payments on the Maserati. He said he last spoke to him on Wednesday, when they talked about the high cost of the son's cellphone use.

Cherry Sr. described his son as an entrepreneur but didn't say how he made money or if he had jobs other than his music production.

Boldon's family in Las Vegas was struggling to cope with his death, said Tehran Boldon, the taxi driver's younger brother.

Boldon's sister, Carolyn Jean Trimble, said Boldon was a father, a grandfather and a car race enthusiast who drove a Mercedes when he wasn't in a cab. He owned a clothing store in Detroit and worked at a car dealership, his sister said, and drove taxis after moving to Las Vegas about 1? years ago.

The irony that a man with a taste for beautiful cars was killed by a sports car wasn't lost on Trimble.

"He would be tickled to death: 'Damn, of all things, a Maserati hit me, took me out like that,'" she said. "I'm happy he didn't suffer."

In Washington, Sutton-Wasmund co-owned a dress shop, said Debbie Tvedt, the office manager for a Maple Valley plumbing company that Sutton-Wasmund started with her husband, James Wasmund. Sutton-Wasmund was in Las Vegas attending a trade show with her business partner.

"It's a big loss," Tvedt said in a telephone interview with AP.

The Maple Valley-Black Diamond Chamber of Commerce website said Sutton-Wasmund was a board member from 2004 to 2011 before becoming a marketing representative.

A phone message left for James Wasmund was not immediately returned.

The famously glowing, always-open Las Vegas Strip was closed for some 15 hours after the crash. Nevada Highway Patrol Sgt. Eric Kemmer recalled a similarly long closure after the 1996 drive-by slaying of rapper Tupac Shakur.

That shooting ? involving assailants opening fire on Shakur's luxury sedan from a vehicle on Flamingo Road ? happened about a block away from Thursday's crash.

The Shakur killing has never been solved.


Associated Press writers Michelle Rindels in Las Vegas, Garance Burke in San Francisco, Kathy McCarthy in Seattle and AP Music Writer Mesfin Fekadu in New York contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Police: Report of gunman at MIT is unfounded

BOSTON (AP) ? Police in Massachusetts say a call reporting a gunman on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus was unfounded and that there is no threat to public safety.

Police said Saturday that officers searched for a man reported to be carrying a long rifle and wearing body armor and found nothing. A spokeswoman for the university says the school also called off a campus-wide lockdown.


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Authorities: Report of gunman at MIT was a hoax

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) ? A false report of a gunman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that briefly caused a campus-wide lockdown Saturday stemmed from an electronic message sent to police, authorities said.

Officers searched for a man reported to be carrying a long rifle and wearing body armor but found nothing unusual, Cambridge police said. The report ? that alleged that the gunman was barricaded inside a building on campus ? turned out to be a hoax, and there was no threat to public safety, state police spokesman David Procopio said.

Cambridge police received the tip in an electronic chat message around 7:30 a.m., but witnesses on the scene eventually contradicted it, spokesman Dan Riviello said. Neither police nor MIT specified how the tip was received, though the police department's website says anonymous crime tips may be made via text message or email, in addition to a telephone hotline.

"The MIT community was sent a precautionary text message at 8:52 a.m. asking them to remain indoors and shelter in place," the university said in a statement issued following online criticism over delays in alerting the public that a gunman was possibly on campus.

A room-to-room search by MIT and Cambridge police, along with state police troopers, led officers to declare that the scene was clear at about 10:30 a.m., MIT said.

"No armed suspects were found in the building or on campus and police believe that the event, as reported, did not occur," according to a statement by Cambridge police.

Investigators are trying to identify the prankster and will pursue criminal charges if they do, Riviello said.

He declined to provide additional details or confirm reports that the IP address used by the prankster has been traced to New York, saying the investigation continued.

"At the conclusion of the ongoing investigation, MIT Police and other parts of the MIT administration will, as part of standard operating procedure, conduct an after-action review of MIT's police and communications actions during this event," the university said in its statement.

About 11,000 people attend the prestigious school outside Boston where students are famous for their smarts as well as their stunts, including once putting a police car on top of a domed campus building.


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

LSU's Bennie Logan says the hard work and dedication is just beginning for him now that he's at the NFL combine: Video

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AppSense: Looking Through the Google Glass

If you?re a fellow Tweeter you may have noticed that?Google Glass? is trending in the ?Twittersphere.? ?So what?s all the fuss? Google Glass is a revolutionary device that provides a sort of heads-up display and interactive computing power in the form of glasses.? For many this could be considered a leap in computing, since similar to enhanced touch features, these glasses can potentially change computing in the enterprise.

In last week?s blog post ?Enterprise Computing, Meet the Prosumer,? I shared insight on how the introduction of mobile devices is dramatically affecting the way we do business. From simple tasks like note taking in meetings to managing inventory in a warehouse, the ability to work in a ?disconnected? fashion is significant.? Emerging technologies like Google Glass, take us yet another step forward, potentially removing the need to ?touch? compute at all, which makes the human to technology relationship largely ubiquitous.

To learn more and to read the entire article at its source, please refer to the following page, Looking Through the Google Glass- AppSense Blog


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Red Planet Blues: India To Launch Mars Space Mission In October, But Some Question Priorities

At a cost of some 4.5-billion rupees ($83-million), India will send an unmanned space vehicle to orbit Mars, Reuters reported. The craft, which will be manufactured completely in India, will take nine months to reach the planet and then enter into an orbit about 310 miles from the surface in order to collect data on its climate and geology.

An Indian space official told Indian media that ?methane sensors will be used to predict the possibility of life on the planet.
"The mission is ready to roll," Deviprasad Karnik, a scientist from the India Space Research Organisation (ISRO), told Reuters from Bangalore.

President Mukherjee told parliament in New Delhi that several space missions are planned for 2013, including the ?launch of our first navigational satellite."

?The space program epitomizes India?s scientific achievements and benefits the country in a number of areas,? Mukherjee said.

India?s space program is over 50 years old ? five years ago, the Chandrayaan satellite found evidence of water on the moon (where India seeks to land a wheeled rover by 2014).

Karnik told the Wall Street Journal: "There is no provision in the current [Indian] Mars program for a vessel to land on the planet.?

The Indian space agency will conduct a total of ten space missions by November 2013, at a cost of about $1.3-billion.

However, some critics charge that the Indian government should spend its money to fight malnutrition, tackle widespread poverty, provide safe and clean drinking water and fix infrastructure on terra firma rather than take trips to other planets.

The blackout, which turned out the lights for some 600-million people last year and represented the biggest power outage in human history, symbolized the country?s crumbling energy infrastructure and desperate need for upgrades.

Jean Dr?ze, a development economist at the Delhi School of Economics, complained to the Financial Times: "I don't understand the importance of India sending a space mission to Mars when half of its children are undernourished and half of all Indian families have no access to sanitation.?

He suggested that the space mission is "part of the Indian elite's delusional quest for superpower status."

Last August, an editorial in Times of India, cautioned that India?s space ambitions should have pragmatic and realistic objectives, rather than reflect a ?false sense of national pride.?

"More attention needs to be paid to the poor on issues such as health, drinking water and literacy," Bindeshwar Pathak, a prominent welfare activist, told Agence France Presse. "Going to space might have some scientific benefits but it alone will not help the condition of India's poor."

According to the World Bank, one-third of Indians live below the poverty line, while the UN said that one-third of the world?s malnourished children live in India.

Krishan Lal, President of the Indian National Science Academy, commented on the relative strangeness of India seeking to explore Mars.

?India is a country which works on different levels. ?On the one hand, we have a space mission, on the other hand a large number of bullock carts,? he said.

?You can?t, say, remove all the bullock carts, then move into space. You have to move forward in all directions.?


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Friday, February 22, 2013

10 Fastest WrestleMania Matches

All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of WWE, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. ? 2012 WWE, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This website is based in the United States. By submitting personal information to this website you consent to your information being maintained in the U.S., subject to applicable U.S. laws. U.S. law may be different than the law of your home country. WrestleMania XXIX (NY/NJ) logo TM & ? 2012 WWE. All Rights Reserved. The Empire State Building design is a registered trademark and used with permission by ESBC.


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Sequester Scorecard: Will Democrats or GOP Win Clash Over Budget Cuts?


The view of Capitol Hill from the window of Air Force One on February 14, 2012.

We are facing a moment in Washington. Both Republicans and Democrats have decided, in poker lingo, to go all-in on the same hand, the looming set of mandatory across-the-board cuts known as the sequester. Both sides agree it is bad policy, which will be unnecessarily harmful to the economy, and both believe this bad policy once enacted in all of its ugliness will be politically beneficial to their team. Both cannot be right.

As it happens, these moments do not come along all that often. Most beltway theatrics are bluffs followed by folds. Someone gives a speech, calls for some reform, and then lets it die on the vine. Someone else expresses outrage, muscles an investigation, and it fizzles out. Republicans hold the debt ceiling hostage, and Obama agrees to deal of spending cuts with elaborate conditions. (Indeed this was how the sequester was created in the first place.) Obama threatens tax increases on all Americans, and Republicans give him tax increases on some of the rich ones.

For those tired of the constant talk of crises in Washington, be aware that this time is different. The chances of an 11th hour fix are incredibly small, in part because the stakes are lower than the last several showdowns. Even after the sequester is triggered, it?s impact will not be immediately traumatic and these effects will be easily reversible when the White House and Congressional Republicans cut a deal to replace the cuts with more sensible ways to address the deficit. But the longer it takes for a deal to be cut, the more the pain, especially if the squabbling stretches from weeks into months and is joined by the sequester?s dysfunctional doppleganger, a late March failure to agree on a new budget, which could force a government shutdown of non-essential federal services. Economic confidence is likely to be sapped. GDP could take a haircut. Unemployment will go up. Government employees will be furloughed, or might lose their jobs. Government services may be reduced, and military readiness could be sacrificed.

(VIDEO: Democrats Release Sequester Hit List With 27 GOP Targets)

So the nation is likely to lose. The unanswered question is who will come out of the process politically ahead, or losing less. So for those watching at home, sit back and try to restrain your rage. Here is a quick scorecard for watching the machinations over the coming month.

National Sentiment

The White House walks into the sequester with an unmistakable advantage in the polls, and a conviction that it has the upper hand. Obama?s approval is at three years highs, in the mid-50s, while House Republicans continue to tread water in the teens. His call for a combination of tax hikes and spending cuts to replace the sequester is favored three to one over Republican calls to only have more cuts. (In a recent Pew Poll for USA Today, even a majority of Republicans favor a balanced approach.) By a margin of 49% to 31% in the Pew Poll, Americans are prepared to blame Congressional Republicans over President Obama if the sequester goes into effect. Perhaps most importantly, the public continues to believe?by a margin of 49 to 44 in a recent Bloomberg poll?that Obama?s plan for more short term investment in education, energy and infrastructure has a better chance of creating jobs than the Republican calls for more spending cuts and lower taxes. Advantage: Obama
Electoral Jeopardy

Congressional Republican leaders, meanwhile, are telling themselves that the national polls don?t matter. Republicans kept control of the House in 2012, despite a huge turnout of Obama voters, and 2014 is almost certain to be more friendly terrain, given the fact that Obama will not be on the ballot. As electoral odds-maker Charlie Cook recently pointed out, the number of genuinely up-for-grabs Congressional seats has been dwindling steadily for a decade, meaning most Republicans in Congress simply don?t have to worry about the national numbers. Their fortunes back home may in fact be far more dependent on bucking the political winds. That means that Republicans can, for the moment, may not have to worry about the short term hit they take as long as they can make the case in 2014 that the President was more responsible for whatever mess the country finds itself in at that point. Advantage: Congressional Republicans
Framing the Debate

Republicans are, of course, killing the messaging war on conservative talk radio, but that only goes so far. President Obama can still command a megaphone that none of them can muster, and he has a credibility with a broader swath of the American people. On Monday, Obama appeared at the White House with first responders he said would be hurt by the cuts, and Speaker John Boehner was forced to respond with an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. In the coming weeks, White House aides are promising a full court press, with Presidential travel and lots of photo ops and outrage, to seek to define the still understood sequester in the public mind. If it is seen as hurting core government functions, like education funding, food safety and military readiness, pressure will grow on Republicans to cave. But if Republicans can frame the sequesters as an antidote to the government waste, like video game research studies, and free cell phones, that most Americans suspect is rampant, their hand will be strengthened. History suggests that President has a distinct advantage on this one. Advantage: President Obama.
The Do-Nothing Scenario

History also tells us that when it comes to these sort of showdowns, the legal playing field matters a great deal. Twice in recent years, Obama has forced Republicans to blink, first by pushing through a continuation of a payroll tax cut without other spending cuts, and second by pushing for an increase in marginal tax rates for the wealthy when the Bush Tax Cuts were set to expire. In both cases, if Congress did not act, taxes would have gone up, something Republicans hate seeing happen. So they were forced to deal. In this case, however, the do-nothing scenario forces spending cuts, albeit badly designed ones, which Capitol Hill Republicans believe puts Obama naturally on defense. It tends to matter, in other words, whose hostage you are threatening to shoot in governing, and on this score, Republicans have a clear incentive to sit on their hands, even as they continue to argue that the actual cuts involved in the sequester are bad for America. Advantage: Congressional Republicans

Just because I scored this two-to-two does not mean this is an even fight. Talking to Republicans and Democrats drafting strategy, there is a clear difference in morale. Republicans are fighting a battle they never wanted to be fighting, with little momentum, a smaller soap box and the most fragile unity within their own caucus. Obama and the Democrats, by contrast, feel ascendent, buttressed by high polls and a recent ballot box win, and are ready to mark what they will believe to be the next body blow to the Republican no-new-taxes-ever vision of shrink-the-beast governing. That said, nothing is certain, and eventually, whether it be four days, four months, or a couple years from now, someone will have to blink. Anyone still could.

VIDEO: The Sequester Fight: TIME Explains


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How to Escape Your Cellphone Contract for Cheap

A customer looking to get out of his cellphone calling plan early often faces hefty termination fees. These fees exist as a sort of hedge for the carriers: They slash the up-front cost of phones to get you into a long-term contract, and punish you for breaking that contract. For those looking to get out of their contract, however, it is possible to eliminate or at least reduce those fees.

If They Change Your Terms, You Can Escape

From time to time, cellular carriers make changes to their cellphone calling plans. Each time they make a "material change" to a contract, customers are allowed to break the contract within 30 days. Examples of material changes include changes to the rates themselves, the addition of maintenance or service fees, or changes in the way a discount is applied to the account.

Users who are thinking about canceling an account should be sure to read up on news about their current carrier and read their monthly phone bills carefully. Carriers are required to announce these changes to affected customers, and usually do so on the monthly statements customers receive. Once the carrier announces such a change, contact customer service and request they terminate the contract.

Trade Your Mobile Plan

If a customer wants to get out of his current contract, chances are he's not alone. Several services exist for the sole purpose of connecting like-minded customers so they can come up with solutions that work for both parties. These swaps are fairly common and do not violate the contract's terms of service, since the other party is agreeing to fulfill the terms of the contract.

Services such as and allow members to post the terms of their contract (number of lines, plan and phone details, and monthly cost) and essentially trade contracts with other customers looking for shorter-term contracts on that customer's network. For example, if a customer has one year left on a Verizon contract and is looking to go to AT&T for six months to see if that carrier is better, the service will pair the customer up with an AT&T customer looking for a short-term Verizon contract. The service arranges everything for both parties. The customer simply sends his phone to the other person, pays the transfer fee to the site making the trade, and goes on his merry way with a new, (hopefully) improved service.

Get Your New Carrier to Pay the Early Termination Fee

In some instances, carriers will offer to pay all or a portion of its own early termination fee if the customer agrees to sign a new contract with them. Sprint offered this to consumers about a year ago, but these deals are more likely to be found at smaller carriers, as well as at MVNOs (mobile virtual network operators) such as Boost, Virgin, or Simple Mobile. Ting, an MVNO that uses the Sprint network, has reserved $100,000 to pay off the early termination fee of any customer who moves his number to Ting during the month of February. These promotions happen fairly frequently on the smaller carriers looking to build their mobile subscribers, so keep on the lookout for announcements.

Prove That Your Service Stinks

It used to be that if customers experienced poor service at their home or workplace, they could easily get out of their contracts without fees. Recently, however, carriers have reworked their contracts to make this tactic much more difficult to execute. Customers must now keep track of dropped calls and their locations and file multiple formal complaints with the Federal Trade Commission, Better Business Bureau, and other consumer-watchdog organizations before contacting a carrier.

With the rise in popularity of social networking, however, consumers have a new, loud voice to lodge complaints against a carrier. A customer with a large Twitter following has a particularly good chance of getting a carrier to take him seriously.

Just Pay the Fee and Sell Your Phone

Sometimes it just costs less in the long run to pay the early termination fee. And carriers now offer a sliding scale for ETFs: Instead of charging users an exorbitant fee no matter how much time is left on the contract, they will take into account the amount of time remaining on the contract and the type of phone, and might reduce the fee accordingly. Services such as MyRatePlan and even the carrier's own website will provide the exact amount of an early termination fee based on your contract end date.

Once the customer decides to pay the fee, he is left with the phone itself. To try to offset the cost of the fees, many people try to sell their old phones on services such as Swappa or eBay. Others take the phone along with them to a new carrier. Just be sure to find out which carriers the phone is compatible with before making a move.


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Nifty MiniDrive Gives Your MacBook Air Or Pro More Internal, Removable Flash Storage

IMG_6534MacBooks are on a straightforward path to becoming closed case devices, with very little in the way of aftermarket expandability options for consumers. Which is why the Nifty MiniDrive Kickstarter project seemed so promising: it's a microSD card adapter that fits flush with the side of your MacBook Pro or Air, which means you can add up to 64GB of additional flash storage via a port that many people probably only use very occasionally anyway.


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ZTE to ship some of the first Tegra 4 phones by mid-2013

ZTE to ship some of the first Tegra 4 phones by mid2013

When NVIDIA unveiled the Tegra 4 last month, there were questions as to when it would ship in a phone, or whether it was bound for phones in the first place. ZTE has settled that question with plans to be the first company shipping Tegra 4-packing smartphones. The Chinese phone builder won't spoil the surprise by naming the devices in question, but the first models reach China by mid-2013. An LTE "super phone" is in the pipeline, ZTE says. With that fresh ground broken, we're mostly left wondering how likely it is that these devices will cross the Pacific -- as well as guessing which other companies are lined up for NVIDIA's fourth-generation silicon.

Filed under: , ,


Source: NVIDIA


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Gen. John Allen declines top NATO post

Marine Gen. John Allen, former commander of allied forces in Afghanistan, will retire from the military to care for his ailing wife. President Barack Obama, who had nominated Allen to head NATO, met with the departing officer on Tuesday and accepted his request to leave the armed forces, the White House said.

Obama had nominated Allen to be Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander of the U.S. European Command in October 2012. But that move went on hold while the Pentagon?s inspector general looked into Allen's email contacts with a Tampa socialite linked to the scandal that led to CIA Director David Petraeus? resignation. Allen was cleared of any wrongdoing, and his confirmation was unlikely to run into trouble in the Senate.

?Today, I met with General John Allen and accepted his request to retire from the military so that he can address health issues within his family,? Obama said in a written statement.

?I told General Allen that he has my deep, personal appreciation for his extraordinary service over the last 19 months in Afghanistan, as well as his decades of service in the United States Marine Corps,? the president said.

Obama praised Allen for overseeing ?the significant growth? in Afghan security forces, continued ?degradation? of al-Qaida and its Islamist allies, and the shift of security responsibility to Afghanistan?s military and police?a linchpin of the president?s NATO-backed plan to pull American forces out by the end of 2014.

?He worked tirelessly to strengthen our coalition through his leadership of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), and to improve our relations with the Afghan government,? Obama said.

?Above all, he cares deeply for the men and women in uniform who serve our nation?as well as their families?and I am grateful for the sacrifices made by his family in supporting him during his service. John Allen is one of America?s finest military leaders, a true patriot, and a man I have come to respect greatly,? the president said.

He added, ?I wish him and his family the very best as they begin this new chapter, and we will carry forward the extraordinary work that General Allen led in Afghanistan."

Allen?s wife, Kathy, is very ill with a combination of chronic health issues that include an autoimmune disorder, the Washington Post reported.


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Should We Prohibit Genetically Engineered Babies?

Nita Farahany and Lee Silver argue against the motion "Prohibit Genetically Engineered Babies" during an Intelligence Squared U.S. debate.

Samuel LaHoz

Nita Farahany and Lee Silver argue against the motion "Prohibit Genetically Engineered Babies" during an Intelligence Squared U.S. debate.

Samuel LaHoz

What if, before your children were born, you could make sure they had the genes to be taller or smarter? Would that tempt you, or would you find it unnerving?

What if that genetic engineering would save a child from a rare disease?

As advancements in science bring these ideas closer to reality, a group of experts faced off two against two in an Intelligence Squared U.S. debate on the proposition: "Prohibit Genetically Engineered Babies."

Before the debate, 24 percent of the audience supported the idea of prohibiting genetic engineering of babies, while 30 percent were against. Forty-six percent were undecided. After each side presented its case, 41 percent of the audience voted for the motion, "Prohibit Genetically Engineered Babies," while 49 percent sided with the experts arguing against it ? making them the winners of the debate.

Those debating were:

Robert Winston argues in favor of banning genetic engineering of babies.

Samuel LaHoz

Robert Winston argues in favor of banning genetic engineering of babies.

Samuel LaHoz


Sheldon Krimsky is the Lenore Stern professor of humanities and social sciences in the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University. He is also an adjunct professor in public health and family medicine in Tufts' School of Medicine and a visiting professor at Brooklyn College. Krimsky's research has focused on the links between science and technology, ethics and values, and public policy. He is the author of more than 180 papers and 11 books, including Genetic Justice: DNA Data Banks, Criminal Investigations, and Civil Liberties (2010), and the co-editor of Genetic Explanations: Sense and Nonsense (2013). Krimsky has been elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for "seminal scholarship exploring the normative dimensions and moral implications of science in its social context."

Robert Winston, a professor of science and society and emeritus professor of fertility studies at Imperial College London, runs a research program in the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology on transgenic technology in animal models, with a long-term aim of improving human transplantation. His research led to the development of gynecological microsurgery in the 1970s and various improvements in reproductive medicine, particularly in the field of endocrinology and IVF. His work on preimplantation genetic diagnosis enabled families carrying gene defects to have children free of fatal illnesses. He has been a visiting professor at a number of American, Australian and European universities, and was president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 2005. He is a fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences.


Nita A. Farahany studies the ethical, legal and social implications of biosciences and emerging technologies, particularly those related to neuroscience and behavioral genetics. She holds a joint appointment as professor of law at Duke Law and professor at Duke University's Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy. In 2010, she was appointed by President Obama to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. She also is the editor of The Impact of Behavioral Sciences on Criminal Law (2011), a book of essays from experts in science, law, philosophy and policy. In 2011, Farahany served as a visiting associate professor of law and the Leah Kaplan visiting professor of human rights at Stanford Law School. She teaches courses related to criminal law and criminal procedure, along with courses at the intersection of law, science and philosophy.

Lee M. Silver is professor of molecular biology and public policy at Princeton University. He is also a founder and principal science adviser of GenePeeks, a personal genome company. Silver is an elected lifetime fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a recipient of a National Institutes of Health MERIT award for outstanding research in genetics. Silver has authored an undergraduate textbook in genetics and genomics, a postgraduate textbook in mammalian genetics, and two books for a general audience, Challenging Nature and Remaking Eden. He has also authored more than 200 scientific articles, written opinion pieces for The New York Times and other publications, and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, including on NPR. Silver collaborated with the playwright Jeremy Kareken on the play Sweet, Sweet Motherhood.


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