Friday, August 31, 2012

Rutgers-Tulane game on at Superdome as scheduled

National Guardsmen Sgt. Matthew Limbert, left, and Cadet Clovis Vaughn of the 141st Field Artillery stationed at Jackson Barracks in New Orleans, guard the Superdome as Isaac approaches New Orleans on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/The Times-Picayune, Eliot Kamenitz) MAGS OUT; NO SALES; USA TODAY OUT

National Guardsmen Sgt. Matthew Limbert, left, and Cadet Clovis Vaughn of the 141st Field Artillery stationed at Jackson Barracks in New Orleans, guard the Superdome as Isaac approaches New Orleans on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/The Times-Picayune, Eliot Kamenitz) MAGS OUT; NO SALES; USA TODAY OUT

The Rutgers-Tulane football game will be played Saturday night in the Superdome, only days after Isaac swept across the New Orleans area with hurricane-force winds.

"We have concluded it is not only appropriate to move ahead with this event but essential to show the nation the resolve and resiliency of our community when faced with enormous adversity," Tulane athletic director Rick Dickson said Thursday.

The Superdome sustained only superficial damage to surrounding signs, banners and landscaping.

Doug Thornton, an executive with SMG, the company that manages the state-owned Superdome, said the stadium never lost power and its roof never leaked. He noted key Superdome personnel were returning to work Thursday to get the stadium ready to host college football.

Although the dome was in good shape Wednesday night, Tulane officials waited on a final decision to play until evaluating the condition of the community and confirming the airport would be ready for Rutgers' charter flight on Friday.

Louis Armstrong International Airport lost power during the storm, which came ashore Tuesday night and lingered in south Louisiana as both a hurricane, then later as a tropical storm, throughout Wednesday. The airport also was closed to commercial air traffic on Thursday.

On Thursday morning, Dickson consulted with officials from the city, the Superdome, Rutgers and the CBS Sports Network, which will televise the game nationally.

The Tulane football team left New Orleans for Birmingham, Ala., on Monday and practiced at Samford. The team planned to practice there again Thursday before returning to New Orleans.

The game will mark the end of an eventful first week of the regular season for new Tulane head coach Curtis Johnson, who is used to such weather-related disruptions. Johnson grew up in the New Orleans area and spent the past six seasons as wide receivers coach for the New Orleans Saints.

He joined the Saints the season after Hurricane Katrina hit. He was with the team when they left their suburban New Orleans headquarters and practiced in Indianapolis during Week 1 of the 2008 season while Hurricane Gustav came ashore in south Louisiana.

Isaac has impacted other Louisiana teams.

It caused the postponement of Thursday night's game in Shreveport between Texas A&M and Louisiana Tech. That game was called off on Tuesday, hours before the storm made landfall, and was rescheduled for Oct. 13, when both teams had an open date.

Also, Nicholls State ? located in Thibodaux, about 60 miles southwest of New Orleans ? has postponed its season opening trip to Oregon State this weekend. The team was scheduled to fly out of New Orleans on Friday for the contest in Corvallis. Officials are working on rescheduling the game.

LSU officials were still trying to decide on Thursday whether the third-ranked Tigers could host their season opener Saturday night against North Texas.

LSU's campus had power and classes were set to resume on Friday, but tree and power line damage left many without power in areas surrounding Baton Rouge, and university officials were consulting with area authorities to determine whether the community could handle a game drawing in excess of 90,000 fans to campus.

Associated Press


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Gov. Brown opens campaign to hike taxes with visit to Hawthorne ...

From Daily Breeze:

HAWTHORNE ? Gov. Jerry Brown is scheduled to begin the campaign on behalf of Proposition 30 in the Los Angeles area today, visiting Ramona Elementary School in Hawthorne to seek to persuade voters to support increases to the sales tax and income tax to help finance education from kindergarten through community college.

The initiative would increase the sales tax by a quarter-cent on the dollar for four years and raise the income tax on annual earnings over $250,000 for seven years.

Eighty-nine percent of the revenues from Proposition 30 would be devoted to schools from kindergarten through 12th grade and the other 11 percent to community colleges. The measure would also guarantee funding for public safety services realigned from state to local governments.

?(Read Full Article)


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The Decemberists | 16 Military Wives


Tyler is a graphic and web designer whose hobbies include surrounding flagellum, dancing with fellow mitochondria, and breakfast food. He is not an avid supporter of Millard Fillmore or dinoflagellate cysts.



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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cramer Thinks Most 401(k) Plans Stink ? Do They? | The Chicago ...

CNBC?s screaming analyst Jim Cramer recently postulated on a recent show:

?However, as much as I like the tax-favored status of 401(k) plans and IRAs, I need to tell you something heretical, something almost nobody else will come out and say: Most company 401(k) plans stink,??

Is he right?? ?I have no idea as to the percentage of lousy 401(k) plans out there, but anecdotally in my experience there are many.? Two main characteristics of a bad plan are:

  • High fees and expenses.? This includes not only the expense ratios of the mutual funds or other investment alternatives offered, but also high fees for recordkeeping and administration.
  • Poor investment choices.

As plan sponsors and participants receive mandated disclosures regarding plan fees and expenses, further attention is being brought to this issue. ?Even with these disclosures and the related publicity, many plans will continue to be sub-par.

What should you do to get the most out of your company?s retirement plan?? Here are a few steps that I suggest:

Pick the best choices.? Over the years I?ve worked with a number of clients with so-so or worse company retirement plans.? If you have outside assets, weight your 401(k) dollars into the funds that are the best choices with less regard for their investment style.? Perhaps your plan has a solid S&P 500 Index fund, a decent bond fund, and a solid International stock fund among the choices.? You might consider utilizing these three funds exclusively or with most of your 401(k) dollars and using outside holdings (a spouse?s retirement plan, IRA accounts, taxable brokerage accounts, etc.) to balance out the rest of your portfolio in accordance with your overall financial plan.

Use the plan?s brokerage window if one is offered.? Not all plans offer this option, but if yours does this might be a viable option for you. ?The choices available to you may be limited to mutual funds, but in many cases you have access to not only a full array of funds, but also individual stocks, ETFs, and more.? If the menu of core choices is pretty weak this may be the way to go.? Also if you are working with a financial advisor, this allows the advisor more flexibility in advising you in line with your financial plan.? One caution, you may be tempted to actively trade this account because you can.? This is generally a bad idea for most us.

Make sure that you contribute at least enough to earn any company match.? In even the worst plan make sure you contribute enough to earn the maximum company match.? For example if your employer matches 50% on the first 6% of your salary, be sure to contribute 6%.? Where else are you guaranteed a 50% return on your money?

Voice your concerns to company management.? Do your homework, but if you find that your plan offers mediocre or bad investment choices and the overall fees are high discuss this with the appropriate people within your organization.? As with anything else, common sense needs to prevail here.? Don?t be adversarial, but rather offer constructive suggestions and voice your concerns about being able to accumulate a sufficient retirement nest egg.? A better plan for the participants doesn?t necessarily mean higher costs for the sponsor.? Many plan sponsors just aren?t aware of the better alternatives in terms of providers available to them.? I have found that most sponsors do care about their employees and want to help them save for retirement.? This benefits the organization as well as the employees.

Do many 401(k) plans stink? The answer is clearly yes.? However they are the best retirement savings vehicles available to many American workers, so be sure to use yours to your best advantage.

Please feel free to contact me with questions regarding your 401(k) plan or about your retirement planning needs.

Photo credit: Wikipedia



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the gift, the artist, and the net | THE STATE

In last week?s post, I referred to the internet as a .gif(t) economy. I didn?t coin the term. That honor goes to my editor, Rahel. I am sure that if I?d been writing a book or a paper, I would have credited her with a footnote. But as I blogged, questions of attribution didn?t enter my mind. I thought only to free a clever phrase from my Gchat archive. Which proves the truth of the term. On the internet, what matters is less who or where a phrase or meme or blog post comes from and more that it is shared. To cease to be retweeted, on the internet, is to die.

So when I say the internet is a gift economy, I don?t just mean that many of us read and watch and write and post for free. I mean that the way content changes hands on the internet works more like a potlatch than the stock market.

I started thinking of the internet in this way after reading Lewis Hyde?s The Gift, a modern classic that describes the artistic process using the anthropological literature on gift exchange. Gift exchanges, says Hyde, paraphrasing Marcel Mauss, create ?the obligation to give, the obligation to accept, and the obligation to reciprocate.? The gift must always be kept in motion. If you?re a one of the Uduk people in northeast Africa, for example, and someone gives you a goat, you can kill the goat and throw a big party, or you can give the goat?s milk to your neighbors, but you can?t use the goat to start an artisanal cheese business. ?One man?s gift ? must not be another man?s capital.?

Another example Hyde offers is the Kula gift exchange practiced by the Massim people in the South Pacific. Two items circulate in constant, ceremonial exchange: red shell necklaces move clockwise and armshells move counter-clockwise. You are obligated to give an armshell and receive a necklace in return, then pass the necklace on in the other direction. If one person refuses to give, the circle, and the community it creates, breaks.

A similar motion starts when someone posts a blog or uploads a video on YouTube. For that initial gift to matter in the online world, someone else must give in response. This response might mean passing the original gift along to friends and coworkers via a link on Twitter or Facebook. Or it might mean responding with a comment or blog post of your own. But to be part of the online community you must move the gift somehow. The three worst things you can be in internet speak are a troll, a lurker, or a spammer. The troll, by verbally spitting in the giver?s face, refuses to accept the gift; the lurker, by consuming without responding, refuses to reciprocate; the spammer disrupts the flow of gifts by trying to sell commodities?objects that are bought and kept by one.

Hyde also explains that the act of giving increases the value of the gift. Among North Pacific indigenous groups, the bones of the first salmon are returned to the sea so that the salmon will return plentiful next year; ceremonial copper plaques are given in exchange for more and more blankets every potlatch. The value of internet gifts also increases as they circulate. What everyone wants is for their offering to go viral. The more times a meme is repeated, the more of a meme it is.

As I mentioned in my last post, internet gifts can also build on each other. Someone posts a .gif on a database site, the women behind #whatshouldwecallme pair it with a clever phrase, their pairing makes the rounds on Facebook, inspiring someone else to start #whatshouldwecallcats, and soon there are enough spinoffs that BuzzFeed writes an article about the phenomenon. That first .gif(t) has born fruit; it is the basket of loaves and fishes that, because it was offered freely, grows to feed the multitudes.

But it was second half of Hyde?s Gift, the half that discusses the artistic process, that actually made me think of the internet as a site of giving. Every artist, he says, participates in a spiritual gift economy. In a foundational moment, they receive inspiration, talent, a gift, and they spend the rest of their lives laboring to give these gifts back to the universe as a work of art. But the gift of art, like armshells in the Kula, must change hands. ?There is only one real deprivation,? Hyde quotes May Sarton as saying, ? ? and that is not being able to give one?s gift to those one loves most.? That is why, Hyde argues, artists have such a hard time of it in a world that treats things formerly seen as gifts?food, shell necklaces, water, and paintings?as commodities:

The spirit of a gift is kept alive by its constant donation. If this is the case, then the gifts of the inner world must be accepted as gifts in the outer world if they are to retain their vitality. Where gifts have no public currency, therefore, where the gift as a form of property is neither recognized nor honoured, our inner gifts will find themselves excluded from the very commerce which is their nourishment.

Enter the internet, the only force in our modern world that excels at turning one man?s capital into another man?s gift. The online pirate?s mission is to convert copyrighted movies and songs from things to be bought into things to be shared. On a smaller scale, many .gifs are images from copyrighted properties. That is why the internet is both salvation and curse for the creative person. If you wanted anyone to read your novel before the internet, you first had to convince a publisher to turn it into a commodity. For the gifted person, the internet makes it easy to share; the gift as a form of property is honoured.

But offline we are stuck in the market. Kind blog comments may nourish your soul, but you cannot literally eat them. Copyright can restrict access to content and make creative riffing difficult, but it also allows creators an income. And when so many are willing to enter the internet as gift economy, it makes it easier for those profiting from the internet to exploit their gift for surplus labor value.

Take the Huffington Post, which refuses to pay its bloggers despite its $315 million sale to AOL. Michelle Haimoff, writing for the Post, voices the dilemma of the gifted person hungry to share. ?I think The Huffington Post should start paying its writers immediately before it becomes, if it hasn?t already, a blog for wealthy people who have the financial luxury of writing without getting paid,? she says. But she is also grateful to the site for accepting her gift: ?However, what The Huffington Post has done extremely well is say, ?Yes.? When 11 other publications said ?no.? ? I simply logged into The Huffington Post, submitted my article, and joined the conversation.?

To join that conversation or not? It?s a question that every 21st century creative must confront, one that pits fame against fortune, generosity against solidarity. But in the spirit of the gift, I?d like to end my post with something other than paralysis. As Hyde does point out in his conclusion to the 2007 edition of The Gift, the same decades that sold us ?market triumphalism?? the end of public funding and the commodification of everything from water to genes?also saw the rise of virtual gift economies. That virtual world serves as proof, despite all, of the human will to give. Maybe, then, the answer doesn?t lie in getting paid to blog, but in relearning how to circulate our food and water as freely as our .gifs.

Images via: flick river, i2, wikipedia


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Mississippi River flows backwards due to Isaac

ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2012) ? Strong winds and storm surge from Hurricane Isaac's landfall forced the Mississippi River to flow backwards for nearly 24 hours on Tuesday, August 28. The USGS streamgage at Belle Chasse, Louisiana, showed the Mississippi River flowing upstream at 182,000 cubic feet per second, surging to 10 feet above than its previous height. Average flow for the Mississippi River at Belle Chase is about 125,000 cfs towards the Gulf of Mexico.

Although it doesn't happen often, hurricanes can cause coastal rivers to reverse flow. Between the extremely strong winds and the massive waves of water pushed by those winds, rivers at regular or low flow are forced backwards until either the normal river-flow or the elevation of the land stop the inflow.

As Hurricane Isaac pushes further inland, it is causing storm surge in the Mississippi River as far north as Baton Rouge, where the river has crested at 8 feet above its prior height.

"This reversal of flow of the mighty Mississippi is but one measure of the extreme force of Isaac," said USGS Director Marcia McNutt. "While such events are ephemeral, they are yet another reminder of why we need to respect hurricane warnings."

When Hurricane Katrina came ashore in 2005, the Mississippi River also reversed flow, cresting at 13 feet above its previous level, with Baton Rouge reaching 9 feet above its previous stage as well.

Another phenomenon that USGS streamgages have recorded as Hurricane Isaac moves inland is that periodically, coastal rivers in Louisiana have lost height, only to gain it back again soon after. This rising and falling of the rivers is a common occurrence during hurricanes and is caused by the spiral nature of these storms.

As the winds sweep to the southwest, they force water out of the rivers, lowering their height. However, once the winds complete their turn to the southwest, they begin back to the northeast, allowing the storm surge to raise the river levels.

These oddities in river behavior are recorded in real-time by USGS' extensive network of streamgages, located through Louisiana and the rest of the country. These streamgages, which are installed along rivers and streams, record data like streamflow, river height, and, in some cases, even water chemistry.

Many transmit their data in real-time to satellites, updating with new information every 15 minutes. This wealth of data allows USGS scientists, emergency managers and responders, and even the general public to have accurate and up-to-date knowledge of what the rivers and streams in their areas are doing. This data is particularly critical during massive flooding events like Hurricane Isaac.

In fact, anyone can sign up to receive notices from USGS streamgages when waters are rising in nearby rivers and streams through a program called WaterAlert ( It is a free service that allows members of the public to receive notifications about water levels at any of over 7,000 USGS real-time streamgages around the country. Learn more about how to sign up at: .

All USGS streamgage information is housed online ( For Hurricane Isaac, USGS has compiled a list of all streamgages in affected areas (

For the latest forecasts on the storm, listen to NOAA radio. For information on preparing for the storm, visit or

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by U.S. Geological Survey.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Teach Your Kids and Teens the Dangers of Underage Drinking

The following is an excerpt from a post on blogs. ?You may read the full article there.

Back to School is an exciting time for both students and parents as they prepare for a new school year and new challenges both in and out of the classroom. It also serves as a great time to remind students about the importance of staying safe and making healthy lifestyle choices.


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Samsung calling its dockable Windows 8 tablets ATIV Smart PC and Smart PC Pro outside the US

Samsung unveils ATIV Smart PC and Smart PC Pro with detachable keyboard dock, S Pen

Samsung didn't leave its ATIV introductions to just an ARM tablet and a phone. We first saw them as the Series 5 and Series 7 tablets, which will likely be their final US names; to recap, though, the newly branded ATIV Smart PC and ATIV Smart PC Pro both look to capture some of that Transformer-like aura by mating an 11.6-inch tablet with a detachable keyboard dock for a laptop experience. Some of Samsung's own Galaxy Note vibe rubs off on them, too -- both carry an S Pen and a bundled S Note app for some on-the-spot writing. They likewise share support for 3G and 4G as well as micro-HDMI and USB, but there's a clear difference depending on what you buy. Going for the regular Smart PC loads in a modest Clover Trail-based Intel Atom processor and a 1,366 x 768 display, but offers a lengthy 13.5-hour battery life, 2GB of RAM, up to a 128GB flash drive, a rear 8-megapixel camera and a 2-megapixel front camera. Slap that "Pro" moniker on the front and you have to drop to eight hours of battery life and a 5-megapixel rear camera, but you'll get a much faster Core i5 processor, a 1080p display, 4GB of RAM and as much as a 256GB SSD. Unlike the ATIV Tab, we do know the Smart PCs will be available in the US on October 26th at $649 for a base Smart PC/Series 5, $749 for a bundle with the keyboard and $1,119 for a Smart PC Pro/Series 7 with a 128GB SSD built-in.

Continue reading Samsung calling its dockable Windows 8 tablets ATIV Smart PC and Smart PC Pro outside the US

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Have a home? There's an app for that! : I'm an Organizing Junkie

Posted by Laura on August 28, 2012 ? 2 Comments?

Welcome! Simplify your blog reading by signing up to read my blog via RSS (get updates in a feed reader) or via email (get updates delivered daily to your inbox).

Like most people, ever since I got an iPhone I?ve had such fun finding cool apps to download.? There are just so many great ones out there.? Today?s guest post shares some very cool apps for the home and home renovation.? Let me know if you use any of them and what you think.

Crossing items off your DIY home project list is satisfying. There?s something to be said for tackling home projects yourself and saving money in the process. If you?re an organization junkie like me, you might find yourself investing a lot of time into keeping your plans organized and on-track. This task can become somewhat daunting unless you have tools to help you manage the process. Smartphone apps provide the perfect solutions for do-it-yourselfers who wish to keep projects simplified and organized from beginning to end.

  • Dream Home.?Sometimes the most crucial part of a new DIY project is the inspiration that leads up to it. Dream Home offers many high-quality photos of inspiring home interiors that you can view without Internet access. If you?re looking for color schemes, furniture arrangements or home decor ideas, this might be the app for you. (99 cents)
  • Space planning tools. The last thing you want when buying new furniture is to bring it home and find it won?t fit into the space you had in mind. You can avoid this costly and inconvenient mishap with the Home Space Planning Design Tool, which helps you plan your living space wisely. Enter your room dimensions and use this app to create floor plans and make shopping lists for your room makeover project. ($1.99)
  • Handy Man DIY.?Handy Man DIY helps you make important project calculations. It also offers countless how-to videos for project inspiration and direction. If you?ve ever had a DIY project to go awry due to a miscalculation, you know how helpful an organizational app like this can be. Once you?ve chosen your project and create your supply and task lists, you can share them via email so everyone involved is on the same page. ($1.99)
  • Home 3D.?Some projects look better on paper than they do when you finish them in your home. To find out if that pumpkin orange paint or retro ?50s decor is really what you want for your home, you can use this handy app to see it before you commit. With Home 3D, you can test your paint colors and try out your new furniture to ensure you?ll get the look you want. ($6.99)
  • Digital Locker.?After investing so much time, money and effort into making your home beautiful and comfortable, it?s important to protect it in case of disaster or damage.?Digital Locker?is an excellent tool to help you create a text and visual inventory of your home. If you should ever need to file a claim on your homeowner?s insurance, you?ll have all the information you need at your fingertips. (free)

Putting it all together

Great organizational techniques have helped me take on many DIY home projects that might have been overwhelming otherwise. When you?ve got a home and family to manage, not to mention a career, making project supplies lists, checking measurements and sharing the details with your partner are tasks that you may easily overlook. Using one or more of these five DIY home project apps makes it easy to be organized. The best thing about these apps is that they help you simplify all the preparation and steps involved in starting a project so you can focus on the aspect you love best: improving your home and making it beautiful and comfortable for you and your family.

About the author: Zach Buckley is a freelance writer based in the Midwest.?He enjoys exploring developing trends in education, technology and culture.? When he isn?t reading or writing blogs, he enjoys sampling good music and good food. Follow him on Twitter! @Zach_buckley


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Is Your Brand Believable? | Extreme Business Branding

I?m struck lately by large companies who say one thing but clearly speak out of the other sides of their mouth. It strikes me that some PR person or ad agency is advising them to put a great spin on everything. Say it enough times and the masses will believe them. Reality has nothing to [...]
Click here to view the original post.


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Pakistan clerics urge fairness for 'blasphemy' girl

The head of Pakistan's leading body of Muslim clerics Tuesday demanded fair treatment for a young Christian girl accused of blasphemy, as a medical report said she appeared to be mentally subnormal.

Allama Tahir Ashrafi, chairman of the All Pakistan Ulema Council, said if Rimsha, accused of burning papers containing verses from the Koran, was found to be innocent, her accusers should face justice.

The cleric said protesters who demonstrated to demand punishment for the girl, who reportedly suffers from Down's Syndrome, were following the "law of the jungle".

Rimsha has been held since August 16 under the Islamic republic's strict blasphemy laws, prompting concern from Western governments and the Vatican and anger from rights groups.

After confliciting reports about her age, she was taken on Monday from prison to hospital for tests, which said she was "approximately 14", according to the assessment by a seven-doctor panel seen by AFP.

The local cleric who handed Rimsha over to police insisted on Friday that she was fully aware of what she was doing when she burned the papers, but the medical report suggested she may be mentally impaired.

"She appears uneducated and her mental age appears below her chronological age," the single-page report said.

Around 120 uniformed police officers guarded the hospital during Rimsha's visit, a senior doctor told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Blasphemy is an extremely sensitive subject in the nation of 180 million people, 97 percent of whom are Muslims, and those convicted of defaming Islam or desecrating the Koran can face life imprisonment or even the death penalty.

In July a mob of more than 2,000 snatched a mentally unstable man from a police station, beat him to death and torched his body after he was accused of burning pages from a Koran.

Ashrafi urged the government to take action to protect Christians in the poor Islamabad suburb of Mehrabad, where Rimsha lives, and encourage Christian families who fled in fear after the incident to return.

"This is inhuman that those who have nothing to do with the case or are not a party to it are also being harassed," Ashrafi told AFP.

"It is just like the law of jungle that 500 people approached a police station and got a report forcibly lodged with the police."

Human rights activists have warned blasphemy laws are often used to settle personal vendettas and last year two prominent politicians were assassinated for speaking out against the legislation.

Ashrafi said Rimsha's case should be a watershed for Pakistan's blasphemy laws.

"We demand an impartial and thorough investigation into the case. Strict action should be taken against all those accusing the girl if she is found innocent," he said.

"The government should make this case an example so that nobody will dare misuse the blasphemy law in future."

The intervention from Ashrafi, a prominent member of the Defence of Pakistan council, a coalition of right-wing and hardline Islamist groups, was somewhat unexpected, but he warned that if the case was mishandled it would reflect badly on Muslims.

"It happened many times that weak probes in such cases led to defaming our religion. It is because of this reason that we have demanded a thorough and fair probe," he said.

After Rimsha's age was determined by doctors, her lawyer Tahir Naveed Chaudhry said they had applied to have her case proceed under juvenile law.

At a brief hearing in the case on Tuesday, Judge Raja Jawad Hassan adjourned proceedings until Thursday after defence lawyers submitted a bail application.


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Parents, need advice.

First, I don't think your soon-to-be husband has any say in this. Step-parents really have to know that the parent is the one who doles out punishment and makes the final decisions for thier children. Step-parents are important and they are free to give their input to the parent but then they have to step back and let the parent decide the best course of action. He/She may not always agree with the parent, but they should support him or her.

I do think your child has an issue and probably needs to see a counselor. I know plenty of children who are afraid to sleep alone, but 11 is a little old for it. For his sake, I hope you can get to the bottom of his fears. I wish your husband were equally concerned about his emotional well-being as his odd behavior. He's a child... I doubt he'll sleep with his brother when he's 16. He may just be going through a difficult thing - or got really afraid of a horror movie. I couldn't sleep for days after I saw Freddy Kruger - I was 19 and if I could have slept with my mommy, I would have!

Best of luck to you and your family.

- Response by walkdup3, A Married Girl, Female, 36-45, Administrative

Rating Received:


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Monday, August 27, 2012

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A187 6BK Power Kits Quick Change With SSBC A187 / 1400 Windshield Windshield Suzuki Price Streamer Windshields Intruder Windscreen Suzuki 1400 Slip 20C 20C Windscreen Intruder / Effects 10200 Xenon Kit Kits Styling 10200 Price Xenon Xenon Ground Ground Kit Effects Body / 215/55R16/XL T/A Advantage Advantage BFGoodrich 16767 BF Price 215/55R16/XL Truck Light BFGoodrich T/A SUV Car, & Goodrich / 22/10 328?28? Price StopTech StopTech 83.059.0023.21 Blue 328?28 StopTech Kit Brake ST Big ST 22/10 Big Blue Brake Kit Rotors / AI2 ACT Rigid MaXX/Race AI2 XXR4 Rigid & XXR4 ACT 4 MaXX/Race ACT 4 Price Pad Transmissions Pad Parts / LCD Car Ceiling Ceiling In Mount (30 Black Mount LCD Audio 55? 55? In Price Screens) Chief Screens) Black (30 / 10~X HYDRAULIC CLOSEOUT 0120523 10~X Price CLUTCH HYDRAULIC 0120523 700 KIT Parts CLUTCH 700 CLOSEOUT KIT YAM CLOSEOUT YAM / Focus Focus Magnum 1.6? 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Thunder R2 R2 HJC Shield Price 111 HJC Blue Helmet CS Electric HJC Thunder MC 923 With Snow CS M Helmets Medium / Price PISTON Vertex YFZ450, Photo New, VERTEX Stock Condition: Number: Actual VERTEX Vary. 22984ASFP, 175 Parts May Part En? / Side 60261 Acura Front S6M Genuine Assembly Fender Genuine Parts A90ZZ Genuine S6M 60261 Parts Acura 6026? Price A90ZZ Driver / 8577.780 Pro Coil System 8577.780 Kit Pro Suspension Springs Eibach System Price Kit 8577.780 Eibach Suspension Eibach / 866F 2.9 PAUGHCO Paughco KNG GAS GAS 866F PAUGHCO TANK KNG FRISCO 2.9 Gas Price FRISCO Tanks TANK / 5? Back Single Exhaust S6246409 Filter S6246409 Price MBRP Steel T409 Mbrp MBRP System Exit Side S624? Complete Kits Stainless / Starmate ST2R Sirius S? Replay Sirius Starmate Electronics Price Features Kit Receiver Sirius Radio Replay ST2R Satellite ST2R / Twe Gun .035 Gun Bernard 200A Equipment Bernard Q2012Ae8Ct ?. Q2012AE8CT 200A 12? Price MIG 12? Q Q2012Ae8Ct Bernard Welding Q / 4? Pro 4 Pipe 450EXC: Titanium Pro KTM Full Circuit 03 Circuit Pro Price (SILVER) Ti Head 450EXC: Ti KTM Systems Circuit 03 / Slotted 505 Zinc Price 1980 Performance Winning Front Plated Winning Peugeot 1983 Perform? Rotors Pair Drilled RR10002SD Cross / 01/02 Carbon OEM Racing Nissan Nissan 03 Carbon Sports Hood 03 Fiber 00 Maxima Maxima VIS 00 Hoods Price ViS ? Fiber Hood VIS / Control Service Price Mercedes Climate Behr System Service Behr Behr Hella Hella 3513? For 351322891 Compressor 351322891 Benz / Stock May ?06 09, 7800NYSFP, Mai? Vary. Condition: New, 65 Number: FNDR Photo Actual Parts MAIER Price FRT LTR450 Part N.YEL / Mazda 2011 Mazda Wing Spoilers Style Custom 2010 2010 Style Wing Spoiler Spoiler 3 Painted Custom Price 2011 Painted 3 / EP370 ACDelco ACDelco Pump Fuel Price EP370 Pump Fuel Pumps EP370 ACDelco / 1990 UltraSto? 1993 Turbo Drilled Trac Cross To Front Pair Brake All Price Toyota For Rotors Celica And Slotted Models / 2002 Conversion Gen Fits Headlight VisionPRO Price 9007 VisionPRO HB5 Ford Mustang Xenon HID Kit, Beam 8000K Low &? II Kit HID / PONTIAC HEADLIGHT VIBE 08 SET 05 PONTIAC TYC SET Accessories VIBE HEADLIGHT & Price Lights 05 08 Lighting / &? 2023 Gears 456X 2 Gear & Pinion Axle 2 Gear Pinion Axle 2 And & G2 Price G Ring G2 2023 G2 Performance Axle Set Ring 456X & / F2 Andrew Price Racing Short Racing Helmet Fly Racing Carbon Orange/Blue/Yellow Fly Helmets Sho? Replica Andrew Fly F2 Carbon / Click Rotor One Front/Rear Kit Cross Stop Power And Stop Drilled/Slotted Brake Combo Ceramic Price Brak? Brake Pad K2727 Power / Kits 00001 Accessory Mile 19 00001 Accessory Winch 19 Kit 00001 Mile Winch Marker Kit 19 Marker Mile Marker Price / Torque Craftsman Tire Craftsman Craftsman 44600 44600 9 9 44600 Torque Price Torque Tire Wrenches 9 Wrench Wrench / GT Ki? Kit Drilled Brake Brembo Big 06 Brembo 3 06 2C1.8021A1 Rear Kits 2C1.8021A1 Brake Big GT Series Brake BMW Brembo Price / Kit Uplander 6000K H11 Conversion ? Chevrolet HID 2005 VisionPRO Xenon Kit, II VisionPRO Fits HID Price Low Gen Headlight Beam / 90 Weld 15?8 4?4.25/4.5 4.5 4?4.25/4.5 Weld BS Car 58038 Draglite Weld BS 58038 Draglite Price Racing 90 4.5 15?8 / Tuning Dyno Boost Adjustable Dyno Diesel Magnum Chip Computers Boost Engine 2.5 Price Adjust? 725 BMW Authentic Performance / Gear Breakthrough 1000 Shoei RF Helmet Small/TC Men?s Shoei Shoei 3 1000 RF X Small/TC Helmet X 3 Price Breakthrough / 2 PCs Price Carbon BSD7195 Blade EBC Carbon 2 Rotors PCs Brakes Blade High Rotors High BSD7195 EBC Rotors EBC / Clutch 471 With 471 With Clutch New Denso Compressor Denso Price 4711220 Denso New 1220 Compressors 1220 Compressor / Solid N103 N Motorcycle Small Com Cayman Solid Helmet Road X / Nolan Nolan R? Helmets Price Race Com N Nolan Blue N103 Road / Cardone 79 Cardone Remanufactured 6410V Remanufactured 6410V Computer Chr? Computers 79 Price Chrysler 79 Cardone 6410V Engine / For Lancer Mitsubishi Sportback Lancer Finish Price Outlander Handle And Lancer Chrome Evolution Covers Outside Veh? Like Door / Hg/30 In. Sweep Auto Auto 5959 Vacuum/Boost Gauge 1/16? Meter Auto Electric 2 Full Meter Price Vacuum 5959 ES Meter PSI 59? 30 / Hellwig Bar 7690 Hellwig Hellwig 7690 Sway Front Sway Bar Price Front Bars Sway 7690 / 20X9.0 CB 98R +10 FLAT ET +10 FLAT RBP ET 6 20X9.0 BLACK 108MM 108MM 139.7 98R CB Wheels 139.7 W? Price Wheel BLACK RBP 6 RBP / 0115 Extra 0109 XL Shoei Full Motorcyc? Motorcycle 07 Large Face Price Qwest Helmets Shoei Shoei White Full Helmet Qwest Face / Price (8P) Suspension 65102 Shocks, A3 Audi Spring Sport (Set Tech ST Struts Susp? ST Lowering Of Quattro, Suspension 4) & For / Performance Price Fuel Pressure Electric Performance JEGS Products Pumps JEGS Products Regulator Fuel JEGS Dual 159110 15911? / Lighting ? 05 08 Set Accessories & Lights Mustang Ford Tail (Smoke) 06 Mustang Price 07 06 Pair LED ~ Darkside Ford Lights 05 / Long. 40.5? For Axle 40.5? S135, For 36 S135, Spline, Dana Axle Shaft Shaft Spline, Price 36 Dana Long. Shafts Yukon / JEEP 2007 WRANGLER 2011 Mopar AI? 2007 INTAKE MOPAR JEEP COLD COLD AIR 77060081 Price Replacement 77060081 2011 WRANGLER Parts / Ion Alloy (16?8?) 182 Price Chrome 6873C Ion Ion Car Wheel 182 Wheel Alloy (16?8?) Chrome Alloy 182 / 08 Maxima GTR Maxima Body Rear Price Bumper 08 Rear GTR Nissan Nissan Duraflex Kits Duraflex Styling 04 Bumper 04 DuraFlex / E3905M Strainers Fuel E3905M Pump Airtex Airtex Price Fuel Strainer Airtex E3905M Strainer Pump / L? 2000 2006 1997 250 1998 Ford Spec 2001 Lights Tail 2005 Smoke LED 2002 D 2003 & F 1999 2004 Tuning Lights Price Styleside / V8 Price 6 (painted: PC. CAMARO 37U/WA403P) Blue Metallic KIT 2013 Imperial Body 3dCarbon 2 Unknown Kits ? 2010 Styling / Gear Pants Klim Klim Pants Price 36/Red Dakar Klim Dakar Men?s 36/Red / 31780 Billet T Grilles Grilles 31780 31780 Rex Grille Overlay Vertical Rex Rex Po? Price Vertical Polished Aluminum T T Insert / Grilles 50059 Billet Grille Rex Grilles Bowtie 50059 Paintabl? Price Rex T With T Rex Paintable Assembly 50059 T And Installed / 15 Industries & Rear Air Suspension Suncore Conversion 4 Suspension Suncore Air; Price Kit; Shocks, 50G Struts SUNCORE Indus? / DVD/CD/MP3 Price Detachable AM/FM Display Radio Car Receiver, Supersonic RJ With TFT & Au? 5703 4.7? Panel SC Products Quality / Price Top Rugged Rugged Ridge Fabric Replacement 13701.15 Ridge Tops Replacemen? Rugged Roofs 13701.15 Ridge Fabric 13701.15 & / 2005 CHRYSLER Lights HEADLIGHTS Price 8 HALO LED CCFL LAMPS PROJECTOR Accessories & 2008 BUMPER 2? + FOG RXMOTOR Lighting 300 / WHITE CRYSTAL Price PLATINUM CRUISER Shoei SERIES Helmets Shoei Shoei Face R MOTORCYCLE SIZE:XSM ? Helmet RJ RJ PLATINUM Open / Motorsport Parts Price 202 Motorsport Motorsport Ricks Starter Electric 61 Rick?s 61 Ricks Electric Starter 202 Electrics / Performance Rotors Front Rear & Autosports ATL Drilled ATL54156 ATL Brake Only Autosports Of Price Rotors Set ATL54154 ATL? / Select OES Q45 Transmission Mount G? Genuine OES & Genuine Parts Price OES OES W0133 Transmissions 1726538 Infiniti Models For / Kumho MT VENT VENT MT Light 120Q LT235/85? & Truck Kumho Car, Price SUV 1875313 KUMHO 1875313 1875313 LT235/85R16/10 KL71 KL71 / Dual Electronics Price Features SAVV SD Built SAVV T9070DVD SAVV USB T9070DVD ? With In HRP DVD, And Headrest Dual HRP Monitor / R Cooled, Repair 1/2 1 Unit Price Tools PH, Air 208 1/2 134a, Copeland Air Line Copeland ? Conditioning HP, 230V, Condensing / Price Rotors Slotted 02 Front Drilled Rotors And G55 AMG 04 SP 02 04 Performance AMG Cross Mercedes G55 Rotors Mercedes ? / YZ1? Fiber RS Slip YZ116SO2 Slip Parts 3 On On Fiber Price Yoshimura Oval Yoshimura 3 Carbon RS Carbon Yoshimura YZ116SO2 Oval / Beam F150 Gen VisionPRO 8000K & Fits Headlight 1997 HID VisionPRO II Low Price Conversion HB5 Xenon 9007 Kit Ford Kit, Ta? HID / Price LED C? Accessories Neon Halo Dodge Headlights & 05 03 Dodge Projector Luminx Neon Chrome 05 03 Lighting Lighting Lights


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Pest Control - A Good Look at Pest Exterminators in Los Angeles

The perception of a house is usually a reflection of those living in it. Yes, it is a fact. There are occasions that regardless of everything you do, your home appears to be a magnet attracting dirt from time to time. Of all the stuff that makes a home appear unpleasant are pest infestations. Pests appear in all kinds. It may be roaches or perhaps flies nonetheless it all finnishes to a single fact. It's bothersome.

If you're a resident of Los Angeles, you should consider yourself fortunate if you happen to be one from the many families who're currently fed up with living with such pests. Nowadays, many pest exterminators in Los Angeles are identified to be superb companies for the want. If you are wanting to convince your self why you need to employ them, outlined below would be the motives for such.

Primary, they know what to perform. Pest exterminators in Los Angeles are experts. As soon as they notice a particular pest, they are fully aware the treatment required to become done. This can be produced attainable since these professionals have allotted a certain percentage of their life to learn pests as well as what to perform to obtain rid of them. You'll be able to be specific that they know what they are carrying out.

Second, offers to remove all varieties of pest. Should you decide to produce pest extermination a DIY challenge, then be prepared to reality which you might fail terribly in the end in the day. With professional exterminators, you'll be sleeping within a residence that's completely pest cost-free. Frustration is one thing that can not come about once you employ them.

Third, so that you can avert potential pest invasions, it is important to find out about their habits, behavior, the locations they hid within your residence, how they got into your property, and so forth. A correct pest management program will make sure which you don't have to be concerned regarding pests now or inside the future. And the greatest particular person to contact is actually a pest exterminator from a licensed pest manage business.

Next, exterminators in Los Angeles nowadays are highly skilled as well as licensed. These individuals know the best way to eliminate all these pests, control and avoid any other potential infestations.

Fifth, they utilize up-to-date improvements along with techniques to get rid of the harmful pests. Additional treatments could even be utilized, at the very same time. A accountable pest control organization will look at your pest issue from all attainable angles and can treat the problem carefully and concern for your residence atmosphere, your loved ones as well as your pets.

And finally, the majority of the pest exterminators in Los Angeles work with organic pesticides that were tested and permitted and have no dangerous effects to the user and they are environmentally friendly. You can find pesticides that are hazardous to these insects and are harmless to humans yet still harmful to these pests.

Pests are unsafe. They produce along a great deal of diseases and they also ruin your residence and life. Getting in touch with an pest control operator now is the best thing that you can do. There is no need to worry for each and every penny you will be paying are going to be more than worth it.

Should you end up looking for successful Pest Control, go for Tanler Termite and Pest Control. Simply contact (888) 982-6537 or, much better, visit us personally at 10016 Pioneer Boulevard, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 to get healthy and successful fumigation los angeles.

Keywords: Pest Control, Pest Fumigation, fumigation los angeles, los angeles fumigation

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Call Heath Tournier Contractors for Any Electrical Service in Victoria

electricians victoria - Call Heath Tournier Contractors for Any Electrical Service in Victoria
by Heath Tournier Contractors
Send Feedback to Heath Tournier Contractors
Request Reprint | Print | About Author | Report Problem | Tweet This Heath Tournier Contractors is a trusted energy company in Australia that covers more territories than any other companies. We have been offering the best and fine quality electrical works in Victoria. We have recently expanded our employee line up in various parts in Australia. We provide an exceptional electrical solution that will take care of all your electrical woes be it for installation, fixing, repair or overall service. At Heath Tournier Contractors, we have a great team scattered all over the area in Victoria with a motive to offer the best electrical service at the least amount of time. We don't cut short the service but yes we guarantee you our team are well qualified that they can do all the work in just a short time. Our team is proud of our exclusive work and time punctuality. We are proud to say that we excel at delivering an on-demand electrical service that is unmatched with other service providers. We have branches set up at different suburbs of Victoria. This enables us to provide immediate responsive electrical services all throughout Victoria. Our efficient electrical services in Victoria can be surfed through on our website. We also offer a blend of affordable pricing as well as flexible plans so that you can keep your home or offices powered. With years of industry experience as well as the tools to help consumers, Heath Tournier Contractors is a great choice for electricity service in Victoria.

About The Author: Heath Tournier Contractors, one of the leading providers of electrical, plumbing, lighting and roofing services who has developed a solid customer base around the Victoria & Perth region by offering a reliable, next-day service. Visit our website for more information.

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Farloe Warhawk ready to battle out the Ladbrokes August Festival ...

Farloe Warhawk ready to battle out the Ladbrokes August Festival Puppies Final 2012

The two-year-old Farloe Warhawk is the undisputed favourite of the Ladbrokes August Festival Puppies Final 2012 at Monmore over 480 metres flat on Friday, 24th August. There is hardly anything that the black hound has done besides winning the races, wavering from the winning position just twice during the racing career.

Competing with Farloe Warhawk for getting entitled to the ?1000 prize money are Kinloch Tiger, Bittles Bar, Start Itup Sweep, Final McCoy and Valentia Tango.

Ace Hi Rumble?s son has raced at Sheffield, Monmore, Wimbledon and Coventry. He has proved himself at all the race courses by visiting the winner?s enclosure.

The black hound?s career debut was at Sheffield on 25th January, 2012 over 280 metres. Holding onto the lead from the trap to the wire got him the race in 16.49 seconds as he won by the margin of 8 ? lengths setting Toucan Tango as the runner-up.

His first hat-trick of the career was on 16th February, 2012 at Sheffield over 480 metres. He set the race the quickest after leading the track soon and making it to the other end of the wire in 28.28 seconds.

His first loss of the career came in after he had won seven times. Even that loss was not exactly the hardest blow as the B. Draper trained ended second in a 480 metres race at Shawfield on 6th April, 2012.

The race was won by, Flashes Jet, in 29.84 seconds.

The two-year-old out of, Wont Be Long, experienced the second loss of the career in the William Hill Puppy on 26th May, 2012 at Wimbledon over 480 metres.

He concluded the race in 28.16 seconds and won by the margin of 1 ? lengths.

Farloe Warhawk?s most recent victory was in the Ladbrokes August Festival Puppies ? Heat 3 at Monmore over 480 metres. The favourite entry of the race settled made it to the other end in 27.97 seconds.

He is backed by 8 to 13 odds for the race tonight and will need to look out for Kinloch Tiger who is bidding for a hat-trick through the race.

The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and in no way represent's official editorial policy.


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The real winner in Samsung vs. Apple: Microsoft?

Watching the tweets roll in while the Apple vs. Samsung patent verdict was read aloud in court on August 24, I saw a number of tech watchers proclaim the victor in the case to be Microsoft as much as Apple.

Huh? Didn't a jury in the case just suggest Samsung owes Apple $1.05 billion in total damages for infringing on a variety of Apple utility and design patents?

Yes, they did. But some of the Windows Phone faithful -- and even some of the doubters -- are speculating today's decision could lead Samsung and other Android phone makers to leap into Microsoft's arms as the only safe and viable alternative out there.

Here's the quick and dirty background: A nine-person jury has been hearing testimony for close to a month in court battle between Apple and Samsung over patents for smartphones and tablets. Apple sued Samsung first over patents last April, and Samsung countersued two months later. The trial covered both of those cases wrapped up into one, as CNET's Josh Lowensohn explained during CNET's live blog today.

(Heck, even Microsoft hater and CrunchFund partner MG Siegler said "Windows Phone just got a huge boost today." So it MUST be true.)


Other amusing and thought-provoking tweets from various members of the court-watching peanut gallery:



Microsoft has cemented a number of patent-licensing agreements with Android phone makers -- including Samsung -- to date. But it hasn't managed, so far, at least, to convince many of these phone vendors to go whole-hog with Windows Phone.?

My only observation on all this, since I haven't followed the Apple vs. Samsung proceedings in anything but the most cursory way, is that Microsoft often advances when its competitors fail. Exhibit A: Xbox vs. Sony PlayStation. In a number of cases, Microsoft's marketshare in a given space has grown not because of anything the Softies did proactively, but because of its rivals' missteps.

Might Windows Phone be another example of this? Thoughts?


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Best Bike Parts Online

Below is an content known as An Details of best bike parts online that we collected from various resources. All credit score ratings goes to its exclusive author.

Where do you turn if you'd like to acquire your bikes on vacation? You can't particularly never-ending cycle there usually, but you would like to cycle all over once you get there. The answer is only to add your mountain bikes on your automobile using a bicycle rack, and then bring them there. It can be faster and easier than getting them on or buses, and cheaper than reserving motorcycles when investing in there.
Motorcycle rack sit in addition to your car or truck, and will store an alternative amount of bicycles &ndash occasionally possibly a few on a single carrier. They can be handy, still typically low-priced, and you can find them at a bit of good garage area or DIY retail outlet. Don't get worried a lot of about which unit you will get: As long as it may possibly store the amount of cycles you want it to, it will eventually normally be fine.
If ensure fit a bicycle sheet to your motor vehicle, on the other hand, you have to comprehend it could potentially be described as a hazard not just in your car, but additionally to your other people on the road. This is why, you must make sure the fact that carrier is secured to the car just like the directions say and stick to every one of the appropriate security laws. If the carrier appears to be unsound, you should take so that it is equipped with a specialized &ndash do not take on any dangers.
At the same time, you must also realise that cycles which can be poorly guaranteed to mountain bike cabinets are very frequently compromised in auto recreational areas, as they are easy to carry with out folks realizing. You'll want to lock the mountain bikes towards holder using a risk-free motorcycle lock, like a sound metallic Chemical-fasten, and don't go away them unattended without having the secure on. Stereo or printer . Notably if you are taking useful bikes, as losing your five of these at any given time may well be a true tragedy.

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UPDATE 1-Armstrong's foundation sees donation spike but faces challenges

(Adds challenges foundation may face, background)

AUSTIN, Texas, Aug 24 (Reuters) - The Lance Armstrong

Foundation said on Friday that donations rose sharply as fans of

the cancer nonprofit pledged support, but the organization faces

long-term questions about its future now that its cycling

champion founder was stripped of a record seven Tour de France


At the foundation's light-filled headquarters in the Texas

capital, where Armstrong lives, a receptionist took a call from

a well-wisher, a scene that Chief Executive Doug Ulman said was

repeated throughout the day in an outpouring of calls, emails

and social media messages, many from cancer survivors touched by

the foundation's work.

"It's people offering to help in any way they can, people

committing to additional donations, people saying, 'I'm going to

go buy a Livestrong shirt to show my support,'" Ulman said. "So

the mood is actually pretty positive."

Armstrong was stripped of his Tour titles and handed a

lifetime ban by the United States Anti-Doping Agency after he

said on Thursday that he would not challenge USADA's charges

that he had doped throughout his career. He continued to deny

that he ever used performance-enhancing drugs.

Ulman said the supporters of the foundation "respect Lance's

decision and I think they just want to move on."

The 100-employee foundation said it received 400 donations

totaling $75,000 on Friday, an increase of 20 times from the

amount donated the day before. Ulman said the organization,

which raised $51 million in 2011, "is incredibly sound


But the fact that the foundation bears Armstrong's name puts

the organization in a tough spot, said John Daly, a professor of

communication at the University of Texas at Austin.

"It's like calling it the Enron Foundation - there's a

challenge there," Daly said, referring to the energy company

that filed for bankruptcy in 2001. "People who have given to it

or know what it does probably won't be bothered. But it's going

to be hard to write a donation letter right now."

In two other recent cases, charitable foundations for

at-risk children and breast cancer were hurt by high-profile


The Second Mile charity founded by former Penn State

football coach Jerry Sandusky had to be closed earlier this year

after Sandusky was accused and then convicted of serial sex

abuse of boys. At Susan G. Komen for the Cure, there were

several departures after an abortion-related political dispute

over the breast cancer organization's relationship with health

services provider Planned Parenthood.

The Armstrong foundation can survive by involving

high-profile people other than Armstrong and by doing good work,

said Penelope Cagney, an Arizona-based consultant to nonprofits.

At the foundation, a spruced-up former paper warehouse in

East Austin where replicas of Armstrong's seven Tour jerseys

hang on a wall, the large yellow Livestrong sign just inside the

front door recalls the foundation's well-known yellow


Inside a separate entrance, Austin-area residents who have

cancer or have a loved one who does can walk in for free

services including emotional support and assessment of financial

options. The foundation provides similar services by phone to

callers from across the country.

Armstrong, 40, founded the organization in 1997, after he

was diagnosed with testicular cancer and before he ever won the

Tour de France. Since then, it has raised nearly $500 million

and has evolved from a focus on testicular cancer research to

addressing the needs of survivors of all cancers. It has a

number of international programs.

Armstrong now is the foundation's top donor and is serving a

term as chairman of the board.

"In my mind and in our minds, he's still a champion for

sure," Ulman said.

For many in Austin, Armstrong is a local hero.

Marcelo Flores, 20, a University of Texas student who lost a

grandfather and an uncle to cancer, recently completed a bike

ride from Texas to Alaska as part of a Livestrong-sponsored

group that raises money to help people with cancer.

"I still look up to him for what he's done and what he's

chosen to take on after battling the disease: raising awareness,

trying to help others," Flores said of Armstrong.

(Reporting by Corrie MacLaggan; Editing by Greg McCune, Peter

Cooney and Lisa Shumaker)


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