Thursday, August 16, 2012

Register for RAIN Summit Europe ? Audio4cast

BThis fall, on October 5th, a very smart group of people are getting together in Berlin, Germany to spend a day networking and discussing Internet radio. RAIN Summits, the very popular conferences for the Internet radio industry in the US and Canada, will debut RAIN Summit Europe this fall. If you are involved in Internet radio in Europe, or globally, this is an event you will want to attend.

RAIN Summit West 2011

The keynote speaker at the event is Jonathan Forster, General Manager of Spotify Europe. The most successful streaming service on the continent. Spotify launched in 2008 and has millions of users. About 25% of those users pay for a premium version of their service. Spotify originally launched in Sweden, and in that country their market share is unbelievable ? one in every 3 people (37%) listen once a month! The service reaches 85% of 16 to 25 year olds and 55% of them listen daily!

In addition to hearing Forster, attendees to RAIN Summit Europe will meet and hear a long list of prestigious and smart speakers from across Europe discuss the business of Internet radio, from content to revenue. Agency executives from across Europe will debate online audio?s value proposition, sales experts will discuss monetization, and programming peeps will examine content trends. There will be dynamic discussions of online audio targeting and audience measurement. All taking place in a format that promises to enable lots of networking and idea sharing, similar to what takes place at RAIN Summit events here in the US.

I don?t have to tell you about the buzz that already surrounds Internet radio, if you?re reading Audio4cast you already get it. So contribute to the future of Internet radio by joining the conversation.?If you are part of the online audio marketplace in Europe, don?t miss this chance to be part of the very first RAIN Summit Europe in Berlin on October 5th.

You can get more information about the event here. And save??20 when you register by entering the special code Audio4cast20 . See you there!

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