Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A new way to read - Katie the Scrapbook Lady


Okay, so this isn?t ?new? for a lot of you, but it?s new for me ? I?ve been reading on my iPad. I?m pretty old school when it comes to books vs. e-readers. I love books! I have tons of them in my home. I can?t leave a bookstore empty-handed. I got my college degree in English Literature. Books are my friends.

I can?t imagine ever giving up physical books, but for now I?m having a hard time actually sitting down and reading any of them. I finally decided to try out the Kindle app on my iPad and downloaded some books that I?ve had in my account for awhile. The best thing about it all? I?m actually reading and finishing books! I read a few pages while I eat my breakfast. I?ve been doing a lot of reading this way before bed each night. Want to know what I?ve been reading?

Frommer?s Utah


I know Utah pretty well after living here for most of my life. We?ve traveled through a good portion of the state, but I?m always interested in learning about new destinations. I have some new ideas for places to visit and I feel like I learned some fun facts about Utah as well. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to do some traveling in Utah or for any resident of Utah.


Frommer?s 500 Places to Take Your Kids Before They Grow Up


I ended up enjoying this book in a different way than I thought I would. At first, I really wanted a list of places to take my kids. As I read the book though, I found that was just unrealistic for the most part. The majority of the places are overseas and many of them are quite exotic. Plus, I just don?t see my particular family hiking up to the top of cliffs and volcanoes. There would be some major freak-outs and I?m not just talking about the kids. Winking smile

Once I got over the idea that this wasn?t going to be the plan we followed for our own vacations, I really enjoyed just reading about all the interesting places there are in the world. I had no idea that some of these places even existed. I would recommend this book to people who are rich and adventurous or to anyone who just enjoys reading about cool places. I have to say that I don?t think it?s all that applicable to a lot of ?typical? families with children. Just my opinion.


Secret Lives of the U.S. Presidents


This has been a fun little read. There isn?t a lot to it, there are a few pages about each president that basically tell about some of his bumbles or weaknesses and they all have them. It has reminded me that there are several presidents who I really want to study more in-depth. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes history and or trivia type facts. I?m going to let my 18 year old son read it, but there are a few bits about naughty things some of the presidents have done. It?s all handled pretty tastefully, but I wouldn?t suggest the book for young children.


I?m curious to know if any of you read on a Kindle or using the Kindle app on a device? Any other e-reader users out there? Do you still read physical books as well, or have you gone all digital?

Personally, I?m just happy to be getting some reading time in!



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