Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Real Money-Saving Auto Insurance Tips For Real Drivers ...

Your state has minimum requirements that need to be met with regards to liability. While you want to have adequate coverage your budget may necessitate that you keep coverage to a certain level. Look at your state requirements so you can accurately gauge where you want your coverage to be, and so that you ca make the right requests.

If you put in a claim to your auto insurer and you disagree with the value the insurer assigned to your totaled car, show them clearly why you disagree. Getting quotes from local car dealers and showing proof that you maintained your car very well could change your insurer?s mind.

Check both the crash rating and the theft rating of any new car you are interested in purchasing. Car insurance companies charge more for policies on cars they feel are at a higher risk of being stolen, or that have a bad crash rating compared to other cars with much better ratings.

If you can?t afford your auto insurance, consider purchasing a different car. One of the main factors that insurance providers consider when calculating annual insurance premiums is the power of your car?s engine. By downgrading your car to a less powerful model, you could save hundreds of dollars on auto insurance.

Always check with the state insurance department before you sign an application for automobile insurance. You want to make sure that the company you are working with is licensed in the area that you live in. If they aren?t, you may not receive any help after an accident.

If you are driving into Canada or Mexico, many people don?t realize that your American car insurance won?t cover you in a foreign country. You will need to purchase auto insurance ahead of time online, or in the border town or city where you will be crossing over into either Canada or Mexico.

When handling an auto insurance claim, it?s important to remain friendly and not get frustrated with the claims adjuster. It?s common for claims adjusters to blow off a customer if they are rude or unresponsive making their claim take longer than usual to process. Be nice and friendly and they may make an extra effort to get your claim settled.

Many auto insurance companies automatically add extras, such as emergency road side assistance, legal protection, key replacement and guaranteed hire car to your policy. If you don?t need these services, removing them from your policy can drop the annual cost of your auto insurance by a significant amount.

Use social media to your advantage when shopping for an auto insurance policy. Check what real drivers are saying about insurance companies via websites, forums and blogs. By going the social route, you will find out the truth about an insurance company, not the hype the insurance companies themselves pay to put out.

If you can afford to do so, save some money on your car insurance by paying the entire year?s premium at once. Most insurers will offer the option to pay premiums monthly. But this adds on a fee for the convenience, which can add up over the course of the year. You can still save by splitting the annual premium into two payments.

When considering auto insurance for a young driver, keep in mind the type of car in relation to the type of insurance you are buying. If the car itself is not worth that much money, pay special attention to the extras on the claim, as well as the deductible amount. Most providers will work with you, based on your choices.

If you haven?t done so already, add your spouse to your automobile insurance policy. Insurance companies view marriage as a sign of stability, maturity, and balance. They often offer lower premiums to married couples. Even if your spouse doesn?t drive the car, adding them might be worth your while.

Although auto insurance search and comparison sites are a quick and convenient means of finding lower rates, these services often omit smaller insurance providers from their results listings. Consider looking for better rates by exploring more direct routes to auto insurance providers. This includes checking search engine listings, online review sites, and local agents.

Many families have a long list of financial obligations to meet, and cannot spend a lot on auto insurance. With the tips above, you may find it?s easier than you thought to save money on your auto insurance. Cutting your rates could mean you need to make changes such as finding a new insurer, but saving money on auto insurance gives you more cash to treat yourself to a well-deserved reward.

Otha Brach weblogs with regards to Fairfax Toyota

Source: http://www.freedownloadsfiles.com/uncategorized/real-money-saving-auto-insurance-tips-for-real-drivers.html

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